Sunday, December 11, 2011

I had a dream

My dad and Shafeen. 

Yesterday morning, I fall in little sleep while taking some rest. As I am not feeling very well. Suddenly a phone call came from my mobile set which is gifted by my father. I received and I heard  my dad is asking "Hello?", "Shimul?" (my nick name). I said yes, hello? Then I remember my father is no more! So again I asked, hello? Then no answer and I awoke up. After few minutes my youngest sister Shekha came and told me did you drop syrup or did any vomiting? I said no? why? She said she is smelling some syrup's smells beside my room. And  this smell always came from my fathers room. After that I go out from my room to go to bathroom and I smell the same fragrance! Like my dad was there! We never smell such thing on that room and then it goes after half an hour.


Anonymous said...

pls never forget seeking magfirat after each salat and dua kabul occasion on his behalf. Insha Allah, he shall be one of the inbabitants of zannah.

Shahana Shafiuddin said...

aameen. Yes, I will.

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah, the Gracious Allah help you and all of your family members do all the good deeds that enable you all to secure His satisfaction. A Mumin after his dead keeps always on receiving the share of good and odd deeds of his kins, you may know.

Shahana Shafiuddin said...

Yes, I know.