Friday, September 30, 2011

Get relief from cooking food

Shafeen checking vegetables and asking me weather these are for food or not

Still I am not in full strength that I can work with full force. I work very slowly and can’t do multitasking. I am just completing work one after another. And my first priority of work is my son. So there is no time for my own.

Generally I cook four kind of dish for a complete balance of food. Like Rice, daal, meat/fish, vegetables. And if possible I make some think sweet. Usually I cook a bit more food then I need and preserve it in refrigerator. Now a day my food stock became empty and I couldn’t make enough time to cook more food. Yesterday at 3 pm when my lunch time was over I went to kitchen to start cooking lunch. On that time my mom came to work in her garden and asked me did I take my lunch? I said no, but I will cook now. She said wait, I am sending your food. That was a great help for me. Not only she sent me food for lunch, at dinner, again she sent my dinner. Shafeen (my 2 and half years old son) also enjoyed her food. It was a great help from mother. Some left over’s still there so, that will help me today too.

PL/SQL: Coding Guidelines


Coding Guidelines

  • Single-line comments are prefixed with two dashes --.
  • Multiple-line comments can be enclosed with the symbols /* and */.
  • Variables and function identifiers can contain up to 30 characters, and should not have the same name as a database column name.
  • Identifiers must begin with an alphanumerical character.
  • SQL functions can be used in PL/SQL.
  • Code blocks can be nested and unqualified variables can locally scoped.
  • It is recommended that variable names are prefixed by v_, and parameter names in procedures/functions are prefixed by _p.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shouldn't I ask for help?

Shafeen, helping me to fix cpu problem

Unless I can't, I do all my work by myself. I always help others if they ask. I helped by myself when I see any person is sick or in any trouble. Don't I have any right to ask for help when I need? I have seen whenever I ask for any help people felt disturbed. Either I don't know how to ask for help or actually people doesn't like me, that's why they don't feel good to give me time.

PL/SQL: Handling Variables


  • Variables must be declared first before the usage. The PL/SQL variables can be a scalar type such as DATE, NUMBER, VARCHAR(2), DATE, BOOLEAN, LONG and CHAR, or a composite type, such  array type VARRAY.
  • Only TRUE and FALSE can be assigned to BOOLEAN type of variables.
  • AND, OR, NOT operators can be used to connect BOOLEAN values.
  • % TYPE attribute can be used to define a variable which is of type the same as a database column's type definition.
  • Users can customize the variable types by using TYPE ... IS ... statement.
The following code block illustrates the use of TYPE..IS... and VARRAY. In this sample, a type v_arr is defined as an variable array of maximum 25 elements which are of type NUMBER(3).  Then a variable v1 is defined as type v_arr .    This sample code also demonstrates the use of %TYPE attribute.
TYPE v_arr IS VARRAY(25) of NUMBER(3);

v1 v_arr;
v_empno employee.empno%TYPE;


    v1(2) := 3;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The Value of v1(2) = ' || v1(2)); 

      v_empno  := 4;

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Try to love your wife, you will happier than anytime in your life.

No matter how ugly, irritating, good for nothing your wife is, love her. At least show her good behave. Complete your duty with her in every aspect. Take good care of her in every way, mentally, physically and socially. Find small things which make her happy. Take her outside with you. A part from kid, give her some time extra.  Do not show your angry face to her. Don’t show her how she is not good in work. Don’t say any bad comment on her physical appearance, color or anything else. If you can’t love her, at least you can do your duties as I mentioned.
Trust me you will be happier than any time of your life if you do so. The healthiest mental exercise is to love your wife. That will make you relax, healthy, bring good mood, good energy for work and finally give you success in life.
 And more over your wife will be happy. She will give you more than you expect. She will start take care of everything that you can’t image. She might change her and make her more beautiful, smart for you. She will try to do special things to make you happy too. That will give you feel like heaven, I am telling you. Love her; she is your family, your life, your kid’s mom, your best friend, your mind sharing person and your mental peace.  Love your wife. Never ignore her or her feelings.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

PL/SQL: Overview

This is from

PL/SQL is the Oracle's extension to SQL with design features of programming languages. The data manipulation and query statements are included in the procedural units of codes. PL/SQL allows the applications to be written in a PL/SQL procedure or a package and stored at Oracle server, where these PL/SQL codes can be used as shared libraries, or applications, thus enhancing the integration and code reuse. Moreover, the Oracle  server pre-compiles PL/SQL codes prior to the actual code execution and thus improving the performance.
The basic PL/SQL code structure is :
  • DECLARE -- optional, which declares and define variables, cursors and user-defined exceptions.
  • BEGIN -- mandatory
- SQL statements
- PL/SQL statements
  • EXCEPTION -- optional, which specifies what actions to take when error occurs.
  • END; -- mandatory
For example, the following PL/SQL code block declares an integer v1, assigns it with value 3 and print out the value.
v1  NUMBER(3);

   v1 := 3;
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v1=' || v1);
Note that DBMS_OUTPUT is an Oracle-supplied PL/SQL package and PUT_LINE is one of the packaged procedures. It displays the values on the SQL*Plus terminal  which must be enabled with SET SERVEROUTPUT ON first. To execute this code sample, login into SQL*Plus, and type
v1  NUMBER(3);

   v1 := 3;
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v1= ' || v1);

Note that a PL/SQL block is terminated by a slash / or a line byitself.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Full family became sick

Shafeen in his small bed

We all became sick, Shafeen and me. We all got colds, different kinds. Today at midnight, Shafeen started vomiting with a cough. These are going bitter and bitter. Tomorrow, I will take him to the doctor.

Friday, September 23, 2011


by Neil Boyle

Many people use the DISTINCT option in a SELECT statement to filter out duplicate results from a query's output. Take this simple PUBS database query as an example:

FROM authors

In a simple SELECT from one table (like the one above) this is the easiest and quickest way of doing things.

However, with a more complex query you should think about re-coding it to gain a performance advantage. Take this query for example, which only returns authors that have a book already published.

FROM authors a JOIN titleAuthor t
ON t.au_id = a.au_id

Here, we only want to see unique names of authors who have written books. The query will work as required, but we can get a small performance improvement if we write it like this:

SELECT au_fname,
FROM authors a
FROM titleAuthor t
WHERE t.au_id = a.au_id

The reason the second example runs slightly quicker is that the EXISTS clause will cause a name to be returned when the first book is found, and no further books for that author will be considered (we already have the author’s name, and we only want to see it once)

On the other hand, the DISTINCT query returns one copy of the author’s name for each book the author has worked on, and the list of authors generated subsequently needs to be examined for duplicates to satisfy the DISTINCT clause.

You can examine the execution plan for each query to see where the performance improvements come from. For example, in SQL 6.5 you will normally see a step involving a Worktable mentioned for the "DISTINCT" version, which does not happen in the EXISTS version. In SQL Server 7.0 and 2000 you can generate a graphical execution plan for the two queries and more easily compare them.

The performance improvement you get depends on the ratio of matching rows in the left and right (or inner and outer) tables. The query below will work in any SQL Server database. Try pasting the two queries into ISQL or Query Analyzer and comparing the execution plan and I/O costs the two produce in different databases. The second query usually comes out as more efficient, though the actual performance gain varies.

FROM sysobjects o
JOIN sysindexes i
ON =
WHERE o.type = 'U'

FROM sysobjects o
WHERE o.type = 'U'
FROM sysindexes i

You need to understand the relationship between the two (or more) tables you are joining in order to execute this trick properly. The two Northwind database queries below are designed to return customer IDs where a discount of more than 2 percent has been given on any item. At first glance, these two queries appear to produce the same results because they follow the format in the examples above, but the results you get are actually different.

FROM orders o
JOIN [order details] od
ON o.OrderID = od.OrderID
WHERE discount > 0.02

SELECT customerID
FROM orders o
FROM [order details] od
WHERE o.OrderID = od.OrderID
AND discount > 0.02

These examples do not match up because it is OrderID that defines the relationship between the two tables, not the customer name. The second query will return multiple customer names, one for each order placed by the customer. Try adding the OrderID column into the SELECT list to see this.
So the next time you find yourself using the SELECT DISTINCT statement, take a moment to see if it can be re-written for improved performance. You may be surprised at what a little re-coding can do for your application.

About your skin care

People suddenly don’t start thinking about their skin, unless they found any problem over the skin. Some people always worried and take good care of their skin always. But most people don’t. People use to be busy at work and home, taking care of family. They don’t make any extra time for their skin or eye. Especially when they had to work late night, and they can’t have proper sleep. But when trouble comes on your skin or near eye, then you have no choice but have a good care of it. You can’t become older before your age. For a good eye cream I can say just visit this site. You should try or explore how it is and what will be the effect after using it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I like to talk with intelligent people

Shafeen, my son

In chat room or messenger, several people knock me. Generally I answered all. And try to keep continue talking as long as possible. Unless they start behaved nasty or start asking more personal question or start irritating me. I like net friend. That’s all; I never ask their contact info neither like to give my one. And I am a religious person. I don’t want any unusual relation with any person. I like to be a friend, just friend. I like to talk with intelligent people. And I am sure they like to chat with me too. J

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Website: Sonic Group

Once upon a time me and Faisal made this web site. I have done all programming part and Faisal did the designing part of this site. Actually We linked 3 website over here. I also made a chat software to communicate directly through our website.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Price difference in different markets

Shafeen with his tiny little backpack, his elder aunt brought for him. 

To buy a backpack, I had visited 3 markets. Because, pricing of the bag was not coming in my budget. All 3 markets were in walking distance. First we went to “kids and mom” at Shantinagar. I found backpack with low quality is TK 800, which is available in TK300 outside of that shop. Then we went to Eastern Plus market at Shantinagar. There the backpack which we thought should come in our budget asked TK 750 to TK 1050. Our budget was TK 500. Then we went Twin Tower market at Malibagh. There pricing got higher. They asked TK 1750 to TK800 for the same backpack. Fine, we had to move again. Finally we went to Mouchak market. There they asked price for the same bag is TK 500 to TK 480. So you understand from where we brought the backpack. We surprised that all four places were standing in a walking distance, but there are huge difference in pricing.

php: ucfirst (Make a string's first character uppercase)


(PHP 3, PHP 4 )
ucfirst -- Make a string's first character uppercase


string ucfirst ( string str)

Returns a string with the first character of str capitalized, if that character is alphabetic.
Note that 'alphabetic' is determined by the current locale. For instance, in the default "C" locale characters such as umlaut-a (ä) will not be converted.
Example 1. ucfirst() example

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Useful packaging

Shafeen, in a basket

In Bangladesh some dishonest business men collects different bottles, bags or tins which product has expire date and then put other low quality products into those packages and sale them in the market again. Big shops buy from them because they give low price than other genuine dealers. I got this info from a TV show where they brought both these kinds of business man and police to collect and show real info.

I think this could be solving in some very good way.

 Most of the products we buy where product case or packet doesn’t useful. So, we had to throw it out if companies provide their products in a good case, like a good jar, or tin, glass or bowl or could be reusable like flower vas then people won’t let these go in to the dustbin. They will keep it and use it for other purpose.

Other thing can be done like Production Company could declare if people return 20. 30 or 50 bottle or package, they will give them one product free. This way company could re use their own bottle than the other dishonest company. And general people can also be benefited.

Recycle company can collect recyclable things from homes directly by giving them their own bucket to put specific things in that and can give them money for that. In this way, packages won’t go to the wrong hand.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Your First PHP Script

This is from

Your First Script

The first PHP script you will be writing is very basic. All it will do is print out all the information about PHP on your server. Type the following code into your text editor:

As you can see this actually just one line of code. It is a standard PHP function called phpinfo which will tell the server to print out a standard table of information giving you information on the setup of the server.

One other thing you should notice in this example is that the line ends in a semicolon. This is very important. As with many other scripting and programming languages nearly all lines are ended with a semicolon and if you miss it out you will get an error.

Finishing and Testing Your Script

Now you have finished your script save it as phpinfo.php and upload it to your server in the normal way. Now, using your browser, go the the URL of the script. If it has worked (and if PHP is installed on your server) you should get a huge page full of the information about PHP on your server.

If your script doesn't work and a blank page displays, you have either mistyped your code or your server does not support this function (although I have not yet found a server that does not). If, instead of a page being displayed, you are prompted to download the file, PHP is not installed on your server and you should either serach for a new web host or ask your current host to install PHP.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Have a better way of thinking

Faisal and Shafeen

Expectation makes people more unhappy and ignored on what they really have. Try to think, if you don’t expect anything from them, then what you got. Think, actually they are giving many things to you, may be not as expected, but whatever they give, try to be thankful for that. And give as much as you should give to others, complete your responsibility. That will make you happy, and make them happy too. This is a better way of life.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

php: strtoupper -- Make a string uppercase

This is from .


(PHP 3, PHP 4 )
strtoupper -- Make a string uppercase


string strtoupper ( string string)

Returns string with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase.
Note that 'alphabetic' is determined by the current locale. For instance, in the default "C" locale characters such as umlaut-a (ä) will not be converted.
Example 1. strtoupper() example

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Too many things running in my head

I am planning, ordering too many things at a time. It starts paining. I facing concentration problem in every work. What I am trying to do is working and thinking about only one thing. Rest? I will think about that later.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Price Quotation of OFA Website (Sample)

*** company committed to provide cutting edge business solutions to manage the explosion of data in the expanding global community. The company endeavors to exceed its clients' expectations of competence, performance, delivery schedule and value for money, such that they take pride in ownership of ***’s products and the company becomes their 'Natural Choice' for repeat business.
Old Faujians Association (OFA) is an alumni organization of an alumni organization of ex-cadets of Faujdarhat Cadet Collage. The objective of building this site is to provide the opportunity to all Old and New Faujians to bond with each other.
***’s IT department is very confident to give OFA a dynamic website, which will not only be informatics but also interactive. From where OFA member’s can communicate with each other and get latest news of OFA. Here are the details of the project proposal.



Price quote

Static Module
HTML page
Static information page
Flash home page
This home page will be with flash

Dynamic Module
Email Sending
Viewer can send email to particular person or to webmaster
Photo Gallery
Four categories images will be shown in thumbnails.

Members directory, viewer can search, view members information from database

Latest news
Latest news from OFA will be shown from Data base

Ticker with logos
Logos of those companies will be given here advertise. All information will come from database

Control panel
Admin security
Different kind of admin privileges will be given.

Admin option
Creation of new admin, edit admin info, change password etc

Add, edit, delete member’s info batch wise.

Photo Gallery
Admin can add, delete, or update images category which will be viewed

Latest news
Add, edit and delete latest news

Ticker with logos
Admin will be able to add, edit and delete, logo and company name with URL in the ticker.

Grand Development Total

Web site publish cost
Domain & Hosting
TK 3500

Development Tools

Following software and tools will be used for developing:

  • Language: ASP, JavaScript, VBScript.
  • Data Base: MS Access.
  • Designing tools: Flash MX 2004, Adobe Photoshop CS (version 8), Adobe Illustrator CS
  • Editing tools: Dream Weaver MX 2004, Edit plus.

Bangladesh’s Map

  • Please provide some suggestion of this web sites Domain Name. Like:, etc.
  • Provide all information in text in word format.
  • If you like put pictures in the web page, you have to submit it by scanning in a soft copy.Otherwise have to add scanning charge for per picture.
  • 50% of total cost have to pay during signing work order.
  • If you like to add any extra feature you have give extra time and money.
  • Web site Development will start after signing work order.
  • We will provide 6 months maintenance service free.
  • After 6 month we will take 15% of the total cost yearly for maintenance.
  • If we have to change entire page or program then development cost have to be provided.
  • We will create advertisement design of Ticker with logos (which will be bellow at the page) TK 500 (per advertisement).

*** is confident to complete this customized web site. We hope to meet up your requirements at any cost. We wish you to take right decision and please let us know what we can do to smooth the way further. *** is committed to its commitments.

Thanking you.

Shahana Shafiuddin
Manager Technical (IT)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Recently I found this site. What can I say, it has many features that I can’t just say this is a social network website, or free sms website, or ecard website or for many contest or job site. Everything you need to check in a day. So, to all of you I recommend this site.
It has very good job section. Here you can post any job or you can also search a suitable job.
You have many categories of games over here. Like Action games, educational games driving games, casino games, puzzles games etc.
You can get a free blog too.
Most interesting is their new feature “classified Ad”. You have different categories over here. Where you can put your ad or buy things. Like Car, electronics, Real state, community, entertainment, home and life style, Services, education, events or pet etc.

You have latest news and actress pictures. I know some people like those most. You have wall papers too
I really like this site and you should check this out too.

I need to concentrate

Shafeen my son

I am working hard, for my child, to give him a better life. That’s why; I don’t take any rest at day. Whole day I do only work and work. Only at night I took some time for sleeping. It’s good for my son. For my health also (reduced few pounds I guess), but not for me. My concentration power is going down. Today I couldn’t found milk powder packet. I thought milk is finished, couldn’t give to my son. Then I planned to ask my husband to bring tomorrow. At night suddenly I saw the milk powder packet, in another place (near first place). Another mistake I made yesterday. I always brought baby pant diaper for my son. Yesterday at night my husband found actually I brought simple diaper instead of pants. I just checked the brand and brought it. Actually I didn’t check it carefully. I really am missing my concentration power.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Java: how to remove files

I found this at
Remove files recursively 
Deleting a directory that contains files is not as uncomplicated as simply creating the File object and invoking delete(). To safely delete a nonempty directory in a platform-independent way, you need a small algorithm, which removes the files and then removes the directories from the bottom of the tree of directories upwards.
To empty a directory of files, you simply loop over the files in the directory and call delete:

This simple method can be reused in a more powerful way to delete a whole directory structure. It should recursively call deleteDirectory whenever it encounters a file that is a directory while looping. The method also should check that the argument passed in is actually a directory. Finally, at the end, it should delete the directory that was passed in.

If you are coding in Java 1.1 or some variants of J2ME/PersonalJava, then there is no File.listFiles method. Instead, you will need to use File.list, which returns an array of Strings, and construct a new File object around each String.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Geologist should check, is Dhaka safe or not

Shafeen playing on the floor

Suddenly both fly over faced problem. Is anything wrong going on below our feet? I guess geologists should check this out. Is everything OK? I hope Dhaka city isn’t standing on any big danger. I have heard water level of our city is going down, which may cause much big trouble. We should find out why this happen with both flies over.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I never change my decision

I never change my decision. Whenever I had given a second thought, I had to pay a lot for that. So, no matter what happens I try to stay with my word. And in most cases, I found myself right.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Brochure for children’s computer education (sample)

Children computer education 
Why this course? 
*** company started this children computer education to help children develop and master their computer skills and to provide educational support and encouragement.

*** company is dedicated to developing programs for the purpose of helping children achieve educational success, and the skills needed to succeed in life.
Computer Education...
The Curriculum
We have recently updated our computer program that offers children the opportunity to work at their own levels. The children enjoy the ‘game’ approach to learning.
  1. Training will be given on 3 courses:
    1. Fundamental (4 months)
    2. Adobe Family (4 months)
    3. Macromedia Flash (4 months)
  2. Class time (Saturday & Friday)
    1. From 10am to 12pm
    2. From 2pm to 4 pm
    3. From 4.30pm to 6.30pm
  3. Other Facilities
    1. Lecture sheet will be given
    2. Free gifts on Registration
    3. Network Game facilities
    4. Other Computer Educational Program
    5. Open Quiz program

  1. Upcoming Events:
Computer Training for housewives or guardians.
Assessment will be use regularly to help us to identify strengths in the individuals, the groups, the classes. It also helps us to recognize what needs to be done to tackle our weaker areas so that we are continually striving to raise standards.
Children computer education
making a difference, seeing services
through the eyes of the child.  

*** company   programs to ensure that children receive all the services they need and deserve.
Our Curriculum Aims
  1. To help children to acquire knowledge and skills relevant to employment in a fast changing world.
  2. To help Children to use computer and designing tools effectively;
Areas of study are based on a consideration of the skills and concepts that will be needed by the children as they mature. These will include communication and interrogation skills, study-skills, the ability to follow written instructions, listening skills, planning and practical skills.
How do YOU join us?
Contact *** company
*** Bangladesh
Complete an application

Encourage your friends to join…

Give children hope for a brighter future.