Monday, March 27, 2017

পাশাপাশি থেকে (Staying with me)

[English version has been given below the main post]

কিছু মানুষ আছেন, যারা পাশে থাকলে আপনি খুব ভাল বোধ করেন, রবীন্দ্রনাথের ভাষায় কেমন একটা স্বাস্থ্যকর আবহাওয়া চারপাশে থাকে। শুধু ভাল লাগা নয়, ভিন্ন রকম প্রতিক্রিয়াও আপনি বোধ করবেন। ভাললাগার কেউ কাছে থাকলে আপনি হয়তো ভাল কাজ করতে পারেন, আবার কেউ কাছে থাকলে হয়তো আপনার কাজকর্ম সব বন্ধ হয়ে যায়। ভালো বোধ করারও কত রকম ভেদ। এটা আপনার মা-বাবা, ভাই-বোন, আত্নীয়, বন্ধু, সহকর্মী, প্রতিবেশি, অচেনা কেউ সবার ক্ষেত্রেই সম্ভব। 

আর এই মনোভাবও বদলে যেতে পারে সময়ে...। তখন হয়তো সেই ব্যাক্তি থেকে দূরে থেকেই আপনি ভালো বোধ করবেন।

কখনও এমনও হয় কারো ক্ষেত্রে যে, সে আছে নাকি চলে গেছে, সেটা আপনি কখনও ভেবে দেখেন নি। অথচ, চলে যাবার পর মনে হবে সব শুন্য হয়ে গেছে। অথচ, সে হয়তো আপনার কথা ভেবেও দেখছে না।

এ কারনেই হয়তো আমরা সব সময় আপনজনের সাথে থাকতে ভালো বাসি।

কিন্তু এমন কেন হবে। বাস্তবে কে আপনার পাশে থাকল বা গেল, তাতে আপনার কিছুই যায় আসে না, যদি না কোন কাজ থাকে আপনার সাথে। তারপরও প্রতিটা মানুষই হয়তো নিজের কিছু প্রভাব ফেলে তার চারপাশে। তাই হয়তো কারো উপস্থিতি আপনাকে এক মুহুর্ত শান্তি দেয় না। আর কাউকে আপনি সব সময়ই সাথে রাখতে চান।

[০৪ ঠা মার্চ, ২০০৮]

There are few special people, when they stay around you, you will feel really well. Like Rabindranath Tagore, we can say, "They make you feel like a healthy environment around you". Not only good feeling, there are more complex feeling that you may feel. Sometimes when they are around, you may feel good to work, sometimes they just take all your senses that you can't work at all. I mean you may feel different way about this good feeling. It can be your father, mother, brother, sister, relative, friend, coworker, neighbor or unknown person.

This feeling may change also, then you might feel well when they keep distance with you.

Sometimes this strange feelings happens, about somebody you actually don't care. whether they are around you or not, you don't care. But when they leave, you will feel empty. While they might not feeling about you anything.

May be these are the reasons that we like to live with our loved ones.

But why will this feeling come to us? It actually doesn't matter whether any person stay around me or not, unless they have any work with me.

May be every people has some influence on the environment around them. That's why you may don't want to stay with some people for a moment and you might want some people to stay with you always. 

[March 04, 2008]

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Why cooking is so interesting to me?

I love my profession as a cook. I like to taste different cuisines from different continents. That's why when I was in school, I used to cook different kinds of food from a cook book, very weekend. My guinea pigs were my family members. They loved to be my guinea pigs, though sometimes I served them under cooked foods. May be this is the reason, that no body encourage me to take cooking as a profession. So, as I loved to taste food, I started liking cooking.

I landed in Canada at 2015 as a permanent resident with my family. One of friend suggested I should start my career over here, wherever I get a chance; later by taking certificates and volunteer jobs I should go for my dream job. So, at first, I was looking for any job. Luckily a Thai restaurant around my neighborhood was looking for kitchen staff. I went there and got a job as a cook. The owner was very generous with me and gave training with all kitchen staff. Now I am working in both and Indian and English food restaurant, and at McDonald's as a part time cook. So, in Canada I became a cook!

In future, I would like to be a restaurant manager. I am not planning to have my own restaurant, because after work, I want to give more time to my family too. To become a better cook, I have taken "Food Safety First" level 1 course. Now I am planning to take a level 2 course. I also plan to take a journeyman cooking certificate. I like my profession and I like to do well in it.

Friday, March 3, 2017


Today I am not talking about web networking, I am talking about human networking. Networking is very important in life. No doubt. But is it so much important for your company that you don't count anybody else rather than your network?

When you don't have enough people in your area, networking can be a very good tool to find the right people for your company. Things has changed a lot now. People are migrating from every where in this world. Number of skilled population are higher than any time. Now if you still stick with your networking then you might be losing people who were much more skilled and qualified for your company.

What do you think about those skilled persons who are not in your network? They might not be getting good job or opportunity to grow themselves and to help companies to grow, only because of good networking.

So, for education which is more important now? Good skill or good networking?