Sunday, October 28, 2018

Pending tasks

Shafeen has drawn this picture

I always thought, if I keep working and make good use of my time, one day I will be able to finish all my pending job. Sometimes I made a list for my to do. And it always surprises me when I look at the list after a long time. I found there were lots of planning to do, which I couldn’t do. Let me give you an example, when I was a programmer, I had to plan to learn Visual Basic and make a software with it. But I never start working on these and then it goes under other new plan of tasks. Now there is no meaning to work on that and more over I don’t have time for it.

I am not slow, and I don’t waste much time. Then where am I going wrong? Or may be life is giving me too much things to solve and I must keep busy with new issues on every single day. If somehow, I miss to complete anything, it becomes never solve issue.

Sometimes I wish to have someone with me, who will work with me to solve my unsolved works.

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