Monday, March 30, 2020


When you are working on something with full concentration, something happens, or someone comes to you to distract you. How would you feel?

These distractions give me a headache. I became angry, sometimes irritated, sometimes I misbehaved. My son, the poor boy had faced this so many times. But he is very patient. Still, he didn’t stop disturbing me, especially when I’m working.

But later I found that every time I stopped, that gives me extra time to think, to figure out a problem to fix it.

I understood, if anything stopping me, then there must be a good reason behind it. I better take it easy.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

14 days

I have isolated myself for 14 days, due to Corona Pandemic. In these 14 days, I thought I will complete all my pending job. You can understand now, I couldn’t. But I did very few of them.

For me, these 14 days passed just like a day. It's true that I’m not feeling well. But slowly I can do all the household work and so I did. As I’m working slowly, whenever I felt too bad, I laid down; so, at the end of the day I found, there was still a lot to do, but no more time left.

In these 14 days, the thing I enjoyed most is that I didn’t have to go to work. I was kind of have the freedom to do whatever I wanted to do. I like working outside, but deep inside me, I enjoy staying at home.

Due to my health condition, if I had to stay home more times, I’m sure I won't mind. I wish during this Pandemic time I could stay home and work for my office.

The people who mostly benefited during my 14 days self-isolation time is my housemates. I take care of everything about them. When and what to eat, taking personal care etc. I hope I didn’t torture them too much. Because of me they had to go to bed early and woke up early. Maybe they are now praying to send me to work soon.
I know everyone isn’t like me, who can stay alone and work alone. For them I can suggest, there must be many things, like hobbies you wanted to do for a long time. Now you have time, so you can concentrate on them and utilize your time.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

When do they meet?

I believe what Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay (novelist) said. “who is yours, will come to you by himself/herself”. Then I started thinking, what will happen if both people kept thinking that another person will come? They keep waited in two different places. How/when will they meet? Maybe, only a miracle can make it possible. That will be more interesting.