Monday, September 4, 2023

Subway (পাতাল রেইল )

 Subway means a train that will operate under the ground. I liked this system. To handle traffic in a big city, it's essential to implement a subway.

In Toronto, we need a subway to cover all areas and interconnected to all cities in the GTA and the entire Ontario. This may cost a lot to establish, but handling traffic rushing in on the ground will be a great benefit. We must not only think about the current situation. We must consider how population and movement flow will grow in 100 years. If we don't start now, the next generation will have a big problem.

This suggestion is for all major cities in other provinces to secure a sound transport system for their future.

In a subway, the train runs under the ground. So, there is no landfill obligation; it can move directly from one place to another. So, it reduced the movement time and fuel. A train can contain more people than any other land transport system.

We should make shops (for everything, including groceries) and washrooms in every station. This will reduce traffic jams on the road, making more interest in using the subway. If all areas are covered with a sound subway system, the road traffic situation will be better, less carbon emissions will happen, and people won't need to stay in the big city and pay more.

And we must make all transit systems comfortable for disabled people. Then, they will only depend on themselves.

This subway system can be beneficial, like a safe spot, if air gets polluted too much by accident.

This is a great travel system in winter when roads are blocked by snow.

Every work has a negative side. We know we must give sound monitoring systems and security for everyone with a proper drainage system. Monitoring the work so that they don't take unnecessary time to make the job more expensive and maintain the station and line properly after development. 

We should start developing the Subway system for better and more significant success. Gradually, one after another, complete all.

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