Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Shafeen has drawn this picture

I believe that, if you take training or learn anything, that won’t get wasted. In your life, somehow it will help you, directly or indirectly. Let me give you an example. In my school, there was a subject on sewing. In most schools, there is no class like that. Maybe principals don’t think it's a necessary class. But trust me, this simple class helped me a lot. Generally, I don’t throw out clothes unless it's not fixable.

I didn’t know that anybody noticed me doing this sewing or fixing clothes. One day I was talking with my younger brother about his trousers. I told him that it tore too much, he must give it up. He replied, of course not, you can fix it. 

After passing a long time, I was talking with my son that I need some new dresses to wear at home. He replied, why? you can fix your old ones.

Maybe people have trust in my capability more than I have.

Now a day I became so busy that I can’t make time for sewing. There are now piles of cloth to fix. I am trying to take some time for those dresses.

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