Monday, July 12, 2021

Biography 47: Small park at the middle of our block

 In Umlez (Saudi Arabia) we were living in a small town. In our block, we had a small park in the middle of our block. Then the road around the park and after the road we had houses. One storied or two. The park was very beautiful. There were many small and big trees and paths, which were made of stones. There were some vegetable plants also. But they use it as a decoration tree. An old man was responsible to take care of the park.

Unfortunately, no one was allowed to enter the park. It's like a table garden in the block. You can only view it through a big iron fence around it. I and my older sister used to look at its beauty from far away. One day we saw a bunch of Saudi girls came (Probably from our neighbourhood) and went inside the park. Some of them were our age, some were older. They were wearing maxi (The common dress of Saudi women). No girls were wearing Borkha. They were laughing loudly, playing, talking etc. The gardener wasn't there. We were thinking how did they know that the gardener won't be there now. The girls stayed for a couple of minutes, hopped around the garden and then left together. We saw in the french one part of the iron rod is bent so people can go inside. Why didn't we noticed that. Anyway, later many times we thought we will go inside the park too. But never had the courage to do that.

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