Friday, March 19, 2021

If you are posting something online

 When you post anything online, you can put it in any language. But online means it is available to everyone. The world can see it, read it and react to it. So, why will you put it like for only one group of people, who will be able to understand it? I am talking about putting things with an English version or subtitle. When you can put things in front of the universe, why don't you take the advantages of it or give the advantages it?

For example, on Youtube, people put their songs. Some songs are so good that I liked to share them with all the people I know. But all of them don't understand the local language. We should put a subtitle or put the English translation of it in the description or comment. So, people, who are not familiar with your language can also understand it. Who knows, it may become more popular. Or the message you want to put in front of the Universe can be seen.

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