Monday, August 29, 2022

Biography 148: Period

 Menstruation (Or period) is something that people in Bangladesh think is something to be ashamed of, it's a girl's secret. Nobody talks about it openly. Many men get to know about the period after marriage or from their girlfriend.

People don't buy products for periods openly.

My son, when he was a very young boy, saw pads at home. He found it very similar to his diaper, but he asked what are these.

My theory is, if anyone can ask any question, they are ready to listen the answer.

I told my son that you know, all woman's body has a womb, where a baby grows up. Every month our body cleans it with blood and it prepares for the baby. After washing the area, the blood comes out. So, we need to wear the pad, on those days.

He was satisfied with my answer and didn't ask me, which way it comes out. So, I avoided that part.

From then I bought things for the period in front of him (Sometimes) and he never felt uncomfortable or never tried to avoid that section while shopping.

If we take natural things, naturally why it will be so shameful for us?

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