Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Biography 204: Attended regularly on time.

 From my school life, my parents sent us to school every day. When most students were absent on rainy days, our parents always sent us to school, probably because of my mom. She believed we may miss some part of education if we miss school. She tried everything possible to give us a good education. However, in Bangladesh, teachers don't teach us much when most students are absent on rainy days because most of them are not there. Sometimes, they (teachers) used to say, Ok, you guys can open the book and read anything by yourself. We opened the book and kept chatting with each other or playing games in our seats. The teachers didn't mind as long as we started disturbing the other class by making noise.

My older sister always got angry because of my parents' attitude. I didn't mind. Maybe I didn't know I could be absent from school by my choice.

It made a habit in me. When I started working, I always went there regularly and wasn't late. In my first job, the office declared to all employees that I was never absent one day and was never late for one day in the whole first year. My colleagues were surprised. Mr. Alam, one of my colleagues, said, "How is it possible? You must fall a fever at least for 2 days in the year!" I didn't. I had a sound body. And my parents made this habit in me that I am regular and on time.

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