Saturday, July 4, 2020

How will I give him a solution?

I never had a close friend, I am always very stupid to let go opportunities, I get hurt by people unnecessarily when I didn’t do anything wrong with them, I’m too honest that people can’t guess, My love is one-sided. But still I know I’m a person of a good heart.

I thought, maybe my son wouldn’t be like me. He is not like me. But still, he is facing some common big problem that I am facing. He doesn’t have any close friend, he let’s go his opportunities, he gets hurt by people without any reason. He is very honest, but people don’t get it. He is a very person.

Sometimes I felt, why did I bring on earth to face too much trouble? I don’t know how to overcome my problems; how will I teach him? He just must learn by himself. That’s what I am trying to teach him. Find the solution to your own problem, your mom won’t there for you always.

1 comment:

Melissa Baker said...

Awe, you both need to memember that you are worthy of friendship and love. Not everyone is the same as you, not everyone has the same heart as you. You'll need to sift through a few "bad friendships" to find the perfect one for you! It takes time, and courage. You guys have each other so regardless of friends, family is always there <3