Thursday, May 20, 2021

Popup Clinic in Ontario

 I went to a popup clinic to get the Covid-19 vaccine. I didn't know that in our area, a popup clinic has been opened. One of my friends lived near the community center where this temporary clinic has been established. They saw this and inform me. 

My question is what if they didn't inform me. I would have stayed home and would never know. This clinic has been set up for this community only. They could send a leaflet to all households and the doors of the apartments to let them know about the clinic. Then we all can have the opportunity to register online or take a ticket at the clinic in person. This way, all the neighbours would know and no one would have left. Unless they decided not to take any vaccine.

And like all the pharmacies, popup clinics also should have a plan to give people date for the second dose of the vaccine.

When I went to the clinic, the tickets have been given already in previous days and I didn't know that. But the management let me take the vaccine as a walk-in person. I must say the management of the clinic was very good. They didn't let people come hours early and stood up in the line for hours. They asked them to go back home and come a few minutes early. People live nearby buildings so they didn't feel any problem with that and the line never went too big. These clinics are very helpful to give vaccines to people in a rapid way.

Inside, everything was very organized. I saw a man who has got a bed, probably he wasn't feeling well after taking the vaccine. I was fine. I have waited for 10 minutes inside after taking the vaccine and then reported that I'm fine and go out.

I have got the Pfizer vaccine. I wanted to give it to my son too. Health Canada approved this vaccine from the age of 12. But the clinic didn't give anyone who is below 18.

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