Thursday, May 27, 2021

This is me

When I came from Bangladesh to Saskatchewan, I expectation was pretty high. Though I knew, there will be some expected and unexpected problems. One of my friends told me, if I became choosy in the selection of work/earn money, it may take some time to find a good one. But if I start working anything or anywhere then I might get a job immediately and can have a good life with that amount of money.

So, in my mind, I didn't make any aim for a job or life. I was ready to start with anything and go on living with any work. Still, I am like that but my physical condition makes me a little selective. I can't do any standing job anymore. My feet hurt.

I know I am good at any job. Maybe I take a little time to learn my work then I can go on working smoothly. I improve the current work system and helps others to do a better job. Soon the whole branch or company starting doing good. But I'm a silent worker. I never go to my boss or superior to show what I have done. Or make any complaint about others. So, no one notices. Then for any strong reason, if I left, the whole system falls down. Nobody still doesn't know or care who they need to run things well. What can I say, if my absence doesn't bother you, maybe you don't need my presence.

But it doesn't mean I will change myself for others. I will keep doing good wherever I go. I will fix things wherever I can. I won't wait for others to appraise me. This is me, when I am somewhere, good things will keep happening around you and you will never know who is behind it.

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