Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Biography 115: Making Tea

 In our school, we had another kitchen. That kitchen was only used to make teas for the teachers and food for our headmistress. One day 4 of us (As much as I can remember) decided to make tea when no one will be in the kitchen for us. I don't know from where I had got this kind of idea. But I always have.

So, we decided. Masuma will bring sugar, Numa (She is no more with us on this earth) will bring milk powder, Kakon will bring tea and me, well nothing left for me, I have distributed all the works among my friends ;)

On the action day, we get together. Kakon said she didn't bring tea leaf. What! I said all programs cancel. I was very annoyed with Kakon. But Kanon said we will make tea from the used tea leaves. She knew that is available in the kitchen. That's why she didn't bring it.

I have seen at home, my mom always has thrown away used tea leaves. I didn't know people make tea from that too. So, I said, whatever been throughout from our teacher's tea we have to make tea from that! No way! I won't drink that tea. I came back to my classroom and expected Masuma who always supported me on every issue will come back too. But she didn't.

After one hour she came back, with a very sad face. I asked her, how come that leftover tea became so important for you? Masuma replied, what should I do? Numa hold my legs, that I have to drink the tea! Otherwise, she wouldn't let me go.

Later she said, people, make tea from leftover tea leaves. At home, my mom adds some more new tea leaves with it and makes them. Well on that day I didn't agree.

Now I know this happens. Though I don't use those to make tea, sometimes use them as a fertilizer for the plants.

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