Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Biography 200: My work mentality, changed a bit

 When I started my career, my mentality was like a good student. I am still somewhat like that. I always wanted good for my co-workers, like they were my classmates. I had hidden their mistakes, supported them, helped them, fought for their fight, and taken all risks to lose my career for them, and they didn't even understand that. They had no clue how much I had done for them.

I am still like that—that's my nature. But I have improved over the years, too. Now, at least, I don't take the blame for others' mistakes. I don't try to hide their negative activity. If my employer asks, I tell them the truth about my coworkers. I don't try to improve the company by force (sometimes the employers and coworkers don't want to listen); if the company doesn't want to improve, I accept it. As long as they wish to continue suffering for their repetitive mistakes, I let that happen now.

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