Monday, March 25, 2024

When big companies destroy the small ones

 It's been a long time since we are watching some common corporate games. For example, whenever any new company arises, which product is good. The big company will either destroy it by keeping its product at a low price or will buy the new company. Then, they are the only company that provides the particular products. Now, whatever price they ask, modified or made less effective, the consumer has no other option but to buy the product from the big corporation. These make the company so powerful that later, they get involved with any issue that they want and make it happen the way they want to. The rest of the people had no money or power to defend their activities.

This is not a new case in this world. For more than 100s years, this has been going on.

Why can't we stop it when this kind of activity starts?

The airplane fair is always too much for the general people. It does not need to be so expensive that they are asking. In Canada, like other products, it's more expensive than in any other part of the world, and the customer's benefit is worse than in any third-world country. They are better than the Canadian airplane, from food to any other service.

Now, all cheap/low-cost airlines (Compared to other Canadian airlines) are closing down. So, people will have no other option but to buy an expensive air ticket when the service is not up to the mark.

Let me give you an example by comparing a service. In any airline, if you feel cold, they will provide you with a blanket and cushion for free. Not in Canadian airlines. They will charge you extra for the air. It's not that they are taking less money for the ticket; they are taking more than any other airline without regular facilities for the passengers.

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