Monday, July 1, 2024

Biography 213: Lunch group

 One of our colleagues found a small restaurant, "Capital," just beside our office. It had good food and a good seating arrangement with AC, which is very important in Bangladesh because of its hot and humid weather. I found online that it has become a bigger restaurant.

Then, about 6/8 people started going there every day. It's good for us that we don't have to carry our food every day; this way, a small, good group develops. We had connections even when we started working in different offices. We used to help each other, visit each other, and get together and celebrate for any reason. The names that were more frequently joined us were Tuheen, Romel, Karim Ali, Moshiur, Ershad, Rajib and Tania. Others also joined but not regularly.

Later, for different reasons, distances were created between each person. But I must say we all have good souls. Now, we live on different continents. I wish them all the best.

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