Thursday, July 11, 2024

Biography 215: Ajoy

 When I was taking Web Development training, we were divided into two groups. One group, including me, was on the morning shift, and another group was on the day shift. Ajoy was on the day shift. All the girls were on the morning shift, with some boys. Day shifts were covered with only boys.

When you train in different groups, there is always some distance. I could feel that the day shift boys didn't like me, and they didn't like the entire morning shift. We don't bother about what they are doing or how they feel.

After the training, both groups mixed up and became small groups, and all started working in the office. At that time, I was in the Java Group, and Ajoy was in the R&D (Research and Development) group. This group believed they were the best, so they were in that group.

There is nothing wrong with feeling great; it's wrong to feel others are small. Again, I never said anything about it or argued about it.

When I joined the training, I didn't have a computer. While training, I asked my dad to buy me a computer, and he bought me a desktop computer. In those days, laptops were too expensive. I bought my first laptop after joining college in Canada.

My colleague Shampa wrote all the configurations that I might need. Her younger brother helped her. Another colleague Romel was with me and my dad. Because I had no idea about computer hardware, after bringing all the pieces (CPU, Monitor, Sound boxes, Keyboard, Mouse, and printer + scanner), I didn't know how to put them together.

I asked my colleague Arif if he could come to my house and assemble everything? He hesitated; maybe he was busy. He told me to ask another person. I said, whom should I ask. (By nature, it is very difficult for me to ask for help. If somehow I get rejected, it becomes more difficult for me to go somewhere else) Arif then calls "Ajay." Ajoy came. Arif asked if Ajoy could help me with computers at home. Without a second thought, he said, Yes, I can.

That was a great relief for me. He came to our house and fixed everything. We became more friendly. But he was on the day shift, so we didn't talk much.

One day, Bappi was checking out some Photoshop effects. The pictures were not very conservative, so he asked me to give him a picture of mine. He would put those effects on it. I gave it. Then Bappy showed me how those effects worked. Then I thought he had deleted my picture; who wouldn't?

After some time, one day, Ajoy said, I took a copy of Adobe from the office, and when I ran, I found your picture with effects. I knew what happened. I told Ajoy you must have taken it from Bappy's computer; he did that practice on effects.

Another day, Tuheen and I went out together. I was feeling very low. I told Tuheen, can you do something that may make me feel good. Tuheen took me to Ajoy's place. He was living with some other boys. The house looks like a boy's hostel. The boys became very busy to treat two girls. They made "Alur chop (Potato cake)." Told us about the girls who live nearby buildings. We talk about our careers and so many things. It was a great moment.

In that house, I met with Ajoy's friend, who owned an IT company. Later, he helped me with some documentation.

After marrying, Ajoy invited us to his apartment. I met his wife. She is a very beautiful and intelligent woman. Ajoy had shown her pictures before. When we met, I learned that her cooking skills were very good, and she treated me like her friend.

While training, we all (more or less) contributed to developing a portal. Later, Ajoy and his friend redeveloped it. Ajoy told me that if needed, I could mention in my resume that I was one of the developers, too. I did say it once. Later, I found out that Ajoy hadn't informed his friends about it, and his friends didn't like that.

Nowadays, Ajoy lives in the USA with his family.

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