Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The history of hunting will always glorify the hunters.

"Until the lion has their historians, the history of hunting will always glorify the hunters." 

Some people say history will bring out the truth. Or, someday, the truth will come in front of you. Do they always? 

The truth or telling you a story from every angle of the incident totally depends on the historian. When a movie comes, it always gives a message and influences the audience. The movie maker has the credit to do that to the viewers. No matter how much they try, a general person will be influenced, more or less. It could be from a book, history, passerby, or someone they admire. When a predator writes history, they will obviously glorify the hunters. It could happen with animals, humans, or nature. It could be by written documents or a reel. You never know how it is influencing you. This influence works more for those who have no idea about the matter. So, whatever they first hear, influences them more.

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