Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Biography 179: Professor Ziaus Shams

Today, I would like to share my experiences with Professor Ziaus Shams from the Geography & Environment department at the University of Dhaka. I first met him during my interview when I expressed my interest in joining the Geography Department. He seemed proud and encouraged me, although I had no idea who he was at the time since I was surrounded by department heads. 

During another admission session at the department building, we had to go inside a room one by one to complete some admission work. Some students became impatient and pushed each other, causing the door handle to break. Professor Ziaus Shams came out and shouted to stop the behaviour, which scared us. 

In class, Professor Shams voiced his dissatisfaction with the old and broken facilities at the university and made efforts to upgrade them. He even changed the main gate and established an air-conditioned lab for GIS and Climate Geography. 

During one class, three of us (girls) wore red sarees and always tried to sit in the front row so the professor would notice our dresses. To our surprise, the next day he wore a red t-shirt. 

In conclusion, every person has something good in them, and we should focus on their positive qualities rather than their shortcomings, especially when they are no longer with us.

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