Thursday, July 13, 2023

Just because you are angry

You might be thinking I am in front of any organization. Actually, it's a hospital. I was waiting outside for my ride after they discharged me.

"Just because you are angry doesn't mean you have the right to be cruel."

When interacting with others, it's important to remember that we all have unique experiences and perspectives. Despite our best efforts to be objective, we may still have biases that influence our reactions. Therefore, it's crucial to avoid being cruel or negative towards others, even when we feel angry. 

We never truly know everything about someone or their situation, and our words or actions may have a lasting impact on them. As you don't know about everything, you don't know whether you are right or wrong. 

In some cases, we understand people or anything, then, we start making false assumptions that we know about everything about everyone and start giving reactions to it.

That's why no matter what we feel, or how angry we are, never show negativity in your word, action or impression. Don't make yourself regret it later. Because you already ruin someone's heart, moment, day or life. You can't erase that from that person's life.

Let's strive to be kind and understanding, and avoid causing harm that we may later regret.

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