Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Biography 210: The aroma was nice

 Sometimes, we do good work and expect something good in return. Then, we fail to have it; instead, we get humiliated for that. But we should keep doing good, no matter what results come. Because Allah is counting all your good deeds, and you will get the result of it someday, in this life, after your death.

It's not an example, just a tiny thing that happened in my life. I went to Shamsunnahar Hall, The University of Dhaka's women's dormitory. My friend Ratna got a bed to stay because her home was outside Dhaka city. Shumi and I didn't get that chance because our home was in Dhaka. When we had whole-day classes, at noon, during the lunch break, we used to take a rest in Ratna's room.

There were three beds in the room, and Ratna had to share her room with two senior girls. It was good for her that she got help and was trained to live in the Hall. The room was quite big with a big balcony. Girls had their own burner to cook.

When I entered the room at noon, maybe I was starving—I don't remember—but I smelled something cooking, and it was good. So, I told them what you guys were cooking, and it smelt very nice. One senior girl showed me a burner. They were just warming up the oil, and I smelled only the oil. They laughed out loud. They thought I did this to impress them.

This doesn't mean I won't tell anybody whenever I smell something good. If anyone is cooking and you smell it nice, tell them. They will feel better. Giving joy to others is a very good thing. You never know who is going through which problem. Maybe just a small gesture will make someone's day. That's not a small thing.

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