Thursday, June 13, 2024

The teen girl was waiting for 2 months

 The doctor told us that my father's kidneys were not working. My dad asked what we could do. The doctor said my dad had to have a small operation and put something on his hand (I forgot the name), and through that, he had to dialysis his kidneys every week.

The doctor recommended that we go to Dhaka Medical College. It is a very small operation that will take little time, and we can save money this way.

In those days, Shafeen was a toddler. I used to carry his diapers, food, and dresses in my backpack. Then, I held his one hand (I didn't want him to run here and there), and with the other hand, I used to hold my dad. Shafeen never disturbed me while I was busy with his grandfather, moving from one place to another, one hospital to another. I just had to clean him, feed him, and keep an eye on him.

We made an appointment for the operation and went there on the due date. Other patients were also waiting for their operations. Everyone has a serial number.

Beside me, there was a teenage girl who was in pain in her lower abdomen. She was saying I can't stand the pain anymore. Doctors couldn't find out what exactly happened, so they came here, and the doctor said they would open her up to know and fix her. But she has been here for two months. Her operation date has been changing one after another. No doctor is making her operation. She was saying she would cut her belly with a blade by herself.

Her sister was there with her. She was exhausted from this extended time of waiting without any treatment or operation. She said that every week they waited here, then at the end, the doctors said, no, today they won't be able to operate on her. She said that at home, her husband and kids also became impatient. How long can she stay with her sister this way? She was saying she would leave her sister alone here. By hearing this her sister (the patient) started crying.

The sister was telling me. Here, in this medical college, they give free food of good quality. People eat them, and then they make the washroom dirty. The cleaners clean it so perfectly every morning that it looks like a new one. But people don't use it properly, and in a short time, they make the whole washroom dirty. She can't stay like this.

My father was the second last person to operate on that day. That means that after him, that teen girl should go for an operation. My father's operation was successful. I meet with him and take him back home. While returning home, I overheard two young doctors saying to each other, one said, I won't operate this; you do. Others saying no, I don't want to. I will cancel the operation date.

I couldn't say anything; it's their matter; they knew better. But I felt very sad. I wish I could tell them, please look after this poor girl. She has been waiting for a long time. She needs you guys' attention.

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