Saturday, June 1, 2024

Garments products from Bangladesh

 Dresses are very expensive in Canada. Bangladesh has many garment factories, and they supply dresses at the cheapest price in the world. And the qualities are good.

Here is my recommendation: All small dress shops, all over Canada, I mean in small towns and cities, if you can communicate with a Bangladeshi garment factory to provide dresses (especially t-shirts) from Bangladesh, then you can make a lot of profit and also provide them at a much lower price to Canadians.

Bangladesh has ports for ships, so it will be easier to deliver by using the oceans.

In the same time we should try to produce locally too. Like indigenous people produces. We can create local production too. Then we have full control on those products and quality will be the best, some people will get jobs. We don’t have to depend 100% to other countries.

I hope business people should consider my opinion.


Melissa Baker said...

Maybe you could take sewing classes and buy your own fabrics and design your own dresses.

Shahana Shafiuddin said...

Well said. You know, I did a sewing course when I was in school. On those days, I used to make my own dresses, which I used to wear at home only. ;) I wasn't that expert. Then I became too busy to make anything. Now, I do sewing when I need to repair anything.