Monday, June 17, 2024

Biography 211: Whistle from the train

 In my childhood, we lived near the Kamlapur Railway Station in Dhaka, Bangladesh. From our apartment, we always listened to the train whistle. We could see trains from our rooftop.

Later, when I started living in Saskatoon, I could hear the whistle of the train again. The rail line crossed the city.

Then, I moved to Ontario. Now, again, I could hear the train whistle. The train station is near our house.

My grandfather used to work on the Railway. I have never seen him. But when I search for a job, whenever I see a job position in the Railway, I always try to see if I could fit in. I just wanted to continue like my grandfather.

Now I think I have some connection with the train. Otherwise, why does the whistle always follow me?

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