Wednesday, December 30, 2020

We judge


We judge people, intentionally or unintentionally. Sometimes we judge them by their name, dress, work etc. Then based on our judgement, we put our own expectations. Especially in competition. If that person can't stand our expectation, we became angry, sad, irritated. Not on our judgment, but on that person. We started thinking that person is wrong, they couldn't come up with our expectations. 

We never think, that our judgment can be wrong. We believe that our thinking is best for them. We know what can make that person happy. The truth is we may not reach that person's satisfactory level. Maybe that person is doing something for some other reason, which we don't know, or can't think about. We never think, what may make us happy, may not good enough for others. They want something else which we don't think important.

 Let me give you an example. When we see a couple's picture, we started judging, this is not a good match. Because their culture doesn't match, their beauty is not matching, their social status, job or for our own benefit or anything else. But can you see that couple's heart? How happy are they with each other? Is your satisfaction more important than couples?

If they break up then you will say, Yes, I knew it. Excuse me, maybe they had a very enjoyable moment that you can never think about or never had. Now for their own good they had decided to stay apart. Your life, enjoyment has nothing to do with their life. Let them be happy, either by staying with or without.

We better keep our nose out from other's personal happiness. No matter how close friends we are. Because the same thing can happen with us by other's judgement.

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