Sunday, March 13, 2022

Biography 122: Roaches 3

 After reaching Canada I had rented an apartment in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It was a wooden 3 storey apartment. Most of the apartments in Saskatoon are made of wood.

When we entered, my neighbour asked me if there were any cockroaches in my apartment. I said no. She said it will show up, just wait. I thought if I stay clean, I won't face any trouble. I was wrong.

Cockroaches are all over the apartment. When any tenant leaves, the landlord called the pest controller and they clean that apartment only, not the rest of the building, and it may stay clean for about 3 months. As I told you earlier most of the apartments are wooden. So cockroaches actually don't leave 100%. Some of them hide inside the wood, below the carpets or cabinets. Even if one egg is left it will create 21 new cockroaches and they grow very fast. If that does not happen then some new cockroaches will travel from the other apartments. So, in apartments it is very difficult to find any without cockroaches.

Then it continues growing. Never use any spray to clear cockroaches. Because then it will move from kitchen and washroom to your bedrooms. Medicine and glue may reduce some but actually don't help. In the end, it will make a home inside your wooden furniture.

After moving to Ontario, I get to know, there is no way to stay out of cockroaches in apartments. Only detached homes can be free from them.

We are living in an apartment now. Sometimes we saw cockroaches come from windows or doors. We killed it immediately. We mop our floor every night with soap water. Try to keep clean the sink to avoid cockroach problems. We heard and seen in a google review that this apartment building also has a cockroach problem (Who doesn't). But it never rose. The landlord put medicine in a very good way that till now cockroaches didn't rise. But it's been one year and now a day I find more cockroaches are trying to come here and make their home. Let's see what happens next.

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