Thursday, March 17, 2022

Biography 123: Cooking something new

 At home, my mom has a recipe book, "Siddia Kabir's Recipe". In my eyes, she was the best. She knew how to cook healthy in a simple Bangladeshi way. 

When I was in school, I thought I should try those recipes. So, I had decided on Fridays, after lunch, when my mom goes to take a day nap. I can try to cook and before afternoon tea time, I will clean up everything and let mom work in the kitchen again.

I use to try every kind of food. Some I never tasted before or even never heard the name. I even didn't how the final product should look like. I just tried. Some became non-eatable, some are good and a few came in excellent taste.

I thought I am the only one who is excited about this experiment. But I was wrong.

Friday was my father's weekly grocery day. He used to go to the Khilgaon Kacha Bazar. Every week before he left he started asking me, what ingredients do I need today to cook? And in the afternoon he is the one who used to come first to the table to taste something new.

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