Monday, March 21, 2022

Biography 124: On my study desk

Before sitting for my study I used to clean my desk first, I mean put all things in the right place, then wipe and finally sit for study. Like someone was walking with a cup, then put it on my table and left. So, first I put those things in the proper place.

Soon my other family members figure it out. So, whenever they had or found anything, they just put it on my study desk. They believed their duty is done. They knew I will take of it then. Obviously, I didn't like that. I told them, why don't they put things in the proper place by themselves? but they didn't listen. 

One day I saw my dad is telling to my youngest sister, "Just put the clip on Shimul's desk, she will take care of it". Well, I wasn't happy about that. They saw me and within a second both disappear from my eyes and I found a hair clip on my desk.

My habit has gone, I don't have energy for this anymore. Maybe after a year when I will move to another destination, I will clear up everything.

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