Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Biography 67: Medicine

 When I was living in Alkaseem (Saudi Arabia), we had rooms with the clinic. One day I went inside the clinic after hours. I was looking around to do something. There was a room in the clinic where they had different kinds of medicines. They were in different colours. On the desk, they always keep some packets open with colourful medicines. Whenever any patients came here with a doctor's prescription they use to provide medicines, sometimes from those boxes too. All medicines were free for them.

 I took a small bottle of water (Easily could get it in the clinic) then put a few drops of the water on each box. I didn't think about what will happen, I just wanted to do something. You know, I'm a very active person.

The next day, my mom came running to me, "What did you do with the medicine? You have ruined all!". She left. I was thinking what did I do? Because I couldn't recall anything at that moment. Later I realize, oh that thing!

My mom said Saudi people like to take medicines. The medicines were free. If any doctor doesn't give them any medicine that made them very angry. When a pharmacist gave them medicines, they ask for more. Especially some colourful ones. That's why they kept those colourful medicines like that. Those are probably vitamins. So, anybody can take it.

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