Thursday, August 8, 2024

"Gender Inequality" Kendall, Diana, Vicki L. Nygaard & Edward G. Thompson.

 Gender Inequality as a social problem: Sexism means the female gender will be subordinate to the male gender. Patriarchy refers to a society controlled by men culturally, economically and politically. According to Statistics Canada, 2006, in 2004, 49% of Canadian women aged 15 or over 15 worked for payment. Women are constantly discriminated against because of their gender.

-          Defining Sex and gender: Some people use the words Sex and gender have the same meaning. Sociologists believe they are different. Sex means biological features and hormonal and chromosomal attributes of males and females. Before or after birth, we identify males or females by their sex organs and genes. Gender means those social attributes that dictate the differentiation of male and female behaviour, thoughts and emotions.


-          Social Problems and Social Policy: Trans-gressing gender norms: Transgender people has right to be declare themselves as a male or female as they wish. The University of Victoria first declare this. Transgender people faces a lot pressure and discrimanination from the society.

Biological and social bases of gender roles: Generally we believe that boys has more aggressive and harsh and girls has soft movement. This is actullly not biological issues. These differences are created by the society for years after years. In the same way man’s work and woman’s work have been devided.

Contemporary gender inequality

-          The gendered division of paid work and the wage gap: Society assume that women are physically not as strong as men so, they will be paid less. But in real world, women are working just like a man or better than that.

-          Sexual harassment: : In work place many women faced sexual harassment. Sometimes society take is as a man’s common behaviour. It’s not. It’s actually show of their power and misusing of it.

-          The Glass Ceiling and the glass escalator: There is an invisible barrier created by the male management in companies. They don’t want any female to go to the top positions.

-          The double shift: Though men and women both work outside but at home responsibility of the women remained same. They have to work in both place. Where men has excused themselves by saying they are working outside.

Theorotical Perspective of Gender:  Funtionality (Instrumental and Expressive tasks), Neoclassical Economic (Human Capital), Conflict (Gender division of labour), Faminist liberal Faminism (Equal rights), Redical feminism (Patriarchy), Socialist Faminism (Gendered Job Segragation), Multicultural feminism (Double or Triple jeopardy), and Post Mordanist Faminism (Deconstructing Gender).

The rise of Islamic Faminism in the Middle East: In United Arab Amirat. A muslim women became Imam. Who give advices how to live like a Muslim. Which was the man’s job, generally all over the world.


Kendall, Diana, Vicki L. Nygaard & Edward G. Thompson. Gender Inequality. In Social Problems in a Diverse Society.Pearson Education Canada.

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