Monday, August 12, 2024

More good movies for teen

We have many movies for adults and children, but we don't have many movies that are good for teens. Then what will these teens watch? They don't like children's movies. They will watch adult ones, which are not suitable for their brain and mental stage.

We need good movies for teens that will encourage them to prepare for adulthood, enjoy their teen years, work in whatever suits them, and have good manners toward both children and adults.

They are in the middle stage, just before adulthood. At this time, they are losing interest in their childhood games and toys and feel interested in adult things. They need an age-appropriate entertainment system. They can't play at the playground with children and can't join adult-related games.

This is when they get misguided. That's why we have to be very careful to take care of their physical and mental health and guide them in the right ways. We have to arrange enough age-appropriate work, study, and entertainment elements, including movies.

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