Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Questions and Answers on Virus


a.         is humanity and systems of inequity and inequality that are responsible for pandemics?  Why or why not?


I agree with the proposition that Where Nature creates viruses, it is humanity and systems of inequity and inequality that are responsible for pandemics.


Since old age, humans have been fighting natural disasters or viruses. We know how to manage or have some idea of how we can minimize the health issues/problem with the virus. But because of system inequity and inequality, we don't make the right and firm decision to fix or minimize the virus issues.


When the first Covid-19 virus started spreading, the world could have stopped visiting China in person. This way, the virus would have been kept in one place. China used this method in its own country and could stop massive spreading. But other countries didn't want to lose any business (Or money) with China, so their human movements (Business purposes) continued, and the virus spread worldwide. We know people from all over the countries do business with China.


Many countries developed the vaccine, including Canada and Bangladesh. But the world leaders only accepted three companies' vaccines, sold worldwide at a high price.


The rich countries used a lot of money and bought more vaccines than they needed. Now there was no more for the developing country, or they don't afford to buy vaccines.


It seems rich countries thought we would be safe if we could prevent the virus. But now a day, people travel everywhere. Some for business, for families or just for recreation. So, the virus also moves from developing countries to rich countries.


The reality is you are not safe unless the world is safe.


b.         Reflect on at least one of the stakeholders from the in-class debate (Corporation, Precarious Workers, Governments, Social Media, Vulnerable Communities) and discuss their role in the current Covid-19 pandemic.


Social Media:


Many people blame social media for disinformation about the Covid-19 related news, which is true. At the same time, we should also agree about its positive sides.

All information related to Covid-9 mostly went to the public through Social Media. All suggestions, protests, and other activities were also generated and executed and became news by Social Media. When people were locked down, Social Media helped them to stay close and entertained. Some people learned and then became famous by making videos.


Like Tagore, we must understand that if you want the wind in your room, you must let the dust come inside too.


 c.       Many scientists are predicting that there will be more pandemics to come. Reflecting on patterns of inequality and preparedness and our experience of the current pandemic, develop a 3-point plan (could add more points if you wish) to better prepare us against this type of disaster in the future.


            Three points:

1.    If any pandemic started, through the World Health Organisation, we must take all necessary steps to recover. Not wait until it attack our own country. The whole world should help and work together at every step. And also should research how to prevent this forever.

2.    Every country should invest in their health system to have enough resources to give service to every citizen. No one should discriminate against others for their poverty or race.

3.    No business or money-making policy should take place to make vaccines or medicine. This issue should be managed universally, and all must have access to them.

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