Monday, November 1, 2021

Biography 83: Crockeries

 In our primary(Elementary) school in Bangladesh, we had an annual prize ceremony day. It is a tradition in schools, all over Bangladesh.

The school arranges beautiful cultural performances in this function. Like dance, singing, poem recitation etc. In the end, the teacher started calling all the students' names, who are going to get a prize. There were two sections for this prize. One section is for education and cultural (Dance, recite a poem, singing, educational achievement etc) side and another side is sports. For education and cultural competition, prizes were books. For sports, prizes were crockeries.

I didn't see this kind of annual activity in Canada. I think we should try in here too. It's really fun for both teachers and students.

In the annual ceremony, teachers use to make huge arrangements. They decorated the whole school. Expertise came to prepare the stage. Then they bought prizes. Books were on one side and the crockeries on another side. The crockeries were in different colours, jugs, cups, plates and many other items. You can amazing how my heart cries to have those. 

I was never good at any sports. I have never won any prize in sports, never get any crockeries as a prize. I have got prized to take place in the class, for my attendance, dance, singing, reciting poems etc. So, all I have got is books. Now I can understand that the books were priceless. I still have them at my mother's house. But if I had got crockeries, I wouldn't have any of them now. Though my heart still wants kitchen items.

Recently I have broken a couple of plates, accedently. Good for me. So, now I can have some plates ;)

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