Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Biography 91: Our new house

 We were living in a rented apartment in Bangladesh. Our parents rented the apartment near to our own land. Where our parents started building their own house. You know what happens when people make their own house for the first time. My mom wanted so many things in that house and most of them were very new for a home in Bangladesh on those days. Like she put two kinds of window shades. One is wooden (To prevent everything) another one is with a net (To avoid mosquitos). In those days no one made like that. Most of the houses in our area were 1/2/3 storied in that area. Our parents first made 5 storied buildings. So, it became the tallest building in that area. My mom wanted to cover the outside wall with red ceramic bricks. But to reduce costs they put it at the front side only. Mom wanted to design with broken colourful glasses, my dad stopped her by saying it will like masjeeds. She also made cabinets in the kitchen by the local wood makers. People really didn't have those at that time. People laughed a lot at mom and dad because they were expending more money than general people do. But it was their dream house and they have the experience to live abroad and other cultures, so I understand.

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