Monday, May 6, 2024

Biography 205: an experience with my grandfather (maternal)

 We used to visit Faridpur, where my grandparents (maternal) had a home. My grandfather asked me to pull white hairs from his head one day. I looked at his head. Most of the hair was white; there was no problem finding any white one and pulling it off. I started my hunting for white hair. My cousin Asha Apa (maternal) used to live with my grandparents and saw this. She came near me, blinked her eyes, and told my grandfather, "Oh, Shimul removed all your white hair, nothing left." Then, hold my hand and take me out of that room. She told me, "If you remove all white hair, no hair won't be left. So, just put your hand on his head, pretend to search and take off one or two, and tell him that all taken off."

I didn't like that lie, so I didn't say anything and didn't remove any more hair. I thought if he wanted to, then let it be. 

I realized that our parents often lie to us when we are kids, and when we are old, we lie to them, too. History repeats itself.

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