Saturday, May 18, 2024

Biography 207: Paragon shoe

 I have seen my parents like to do their shopping at Baitul Mokarram Shopping Center (Baituk Mokarram Market). The shopping center is attached to the National Mosque of Bangladesh, Baitul Mokarram. I found them a little expensive, though this is the best place for luggage, Muslim dresses, religious things (like jaynamaj, tasbeeh, etc.), and books.

One day, I asked my dad to buy me a pair of shoes (Ladies' sandals). I was probably a student in those days. My dad took me to Baitul Mokarram Masjeed Shopping Center. I was looking for sandals from one store to another. We went inside a store named Paragon. One shopkeeper was talking to a customer. He looked aged, tall, and very well dressed up, like the owner of a shop. I made a quick scan of the display sandals, then went outside. He stopped us and requested me to sit down and wait.

If any other shoe seller is requested, maybe I won't listen and go out, but this man has a good personality, like an experienced salesman. He said, I will bring something, and you will like it. He was very confident, that's why I sat down and waited for him to finish with the other customer.

Then he brought some sandals from inside for me. He got the perfect size. I knew myself. If the shoe doesn't look good on my feet, I won't buy it. So, I was kind of sitting with a challenge. The first one he bought was without a hill. I liked the hill. (Now I forget how to wear high-hill shoes; on those days, I wouldn't care how big the hill was because I knew how to manage those.) The next one was a black-coloured high-hill shoe. The design was very good and looked great on my feet. I had to admit, in my mind, this guy knew which shoe would look good on which foot.

It was a bit costly, but my dad paid for it. The shoe quality was excellent. I used it for years and wore it almost everywhere. Later, I went to the shopping mall and struggled to find that shop. But different shopkeepers or salesmen were there. I didn't like the way they approached me, and I didn't find that designed shoe on their display. So, I never went to that shop again.

In Canada, I had similar kind of experience with the "Running Shoes". They provided shoes which was perfect size for my feet with a good quality.

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