Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Biography 100: New school

In our area, the best school was the Matijhil Ideal high school. It was a tin-shaded building when it started. But the headmaster tried hard and make it the most important school in our area. In Bangladesh, parents' first duty is to find out which school is the best and put their kids in that school. Now a day this competition became the hardest for both kids and parents.

Let's take you to my childhood era. Those days parents use to look for the best school but don't take it as a do-or-die situation. My mom first took my older sister for admission. My mom got to know that most of the girls get a chance in this school by parent's donation, only a few they took on the basis of admission tests. My parents take a chance. My older sister was always a good student, she kept her record. She got a chance to admit by the admission exam. Next was my younger sister Sonia. Among us, she was the best in the educational record. So, without any trouble, she got a chance. The last person was my youngest sister. She doesn't like to study. My parents were not to let her go. They kept trying and one day/year they succeed to put her in that school.

This school was very strict. They had to stay in the class, even in the tiffin time, never get chance to play or run on the field, they had to maintain diary if anything happened guardians had to give signature in the diary etc.

I don't like this kind of restriction. I like freedom. Allah helped me. It was a miracle that I didn't have to sit for the admission exam. First, my dad took me on the wrong date, second may be I was sick that I couldn't go, third, I don't remember but that make my parents think, I am not for this school. So, I had been given an admission test to the second-best school in that area Matijhil Govt Girls high school.

This school looks like a park, very beautiful with gardens. Students could play on the field over here in their breaks, the school wasn't strict on anything, it had extra curriculum activity, not only busy with the study. It's like heaven for other schools students. Yes, I was the only lucky girl among four sisters to study here.

I have studied in this school from grade 5 to 10.

These schools were a little far away from our home. So, every day we had to take a rickshaw to go to the school.

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