Saturday, August 31, 2024

Biography 221: Chanachur mixes with colleagues.

 One day, Taniya and Sharmy invited me to Taniya's house. It was a get-together type invitation. Some more people were with us, like Rumu. All were from Sharmy's group. I had good relations with Sharmy and Taniya on those days, so they may have invited me too.

As usual, I was the first person to reach her apartment. It was a beautiful house, and Taniya was great at decorating it. 

Sharmy took the initiative to make snakes (Chanachur Makhano) for us. She cut the onions/shallots into thin slices, then the tomatoes in the same way and put them in the same bowl. Sharmy was saying she made the same food for her family, too. But the tomato was rotten, so the whole preparation flopped.

Then she mixed them with chanachur, green chilli, salt, and coriander leaves. It tasted amazing. It was a beautiful day out. We talked, laughed, and discussed many things, including careers. It was an amazing moment.

Later, I tried to make Chanachur mix like that but failed. I need Sharmy to teach me again. I think she is living in Australia now.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Bangla Song: about Bangladesh from Runa Laila

 A beautiful song about Bangladesh

Lyrics: Debu Bhattacharya

Music: Dr. Md. Moniruzzaman

Singer: Runa Laila


প্রতিদিন তোমায় দেখে সূর্য রাগে - Protidin tomay dekhi shurjo rage (I see you everyday with the light of the sun)

প্রতিদিন তোমার কথা হৃদয়ে জাগে - Protidin tomar kotha ridoye jage (Everyday I think about you from my heart)

ও আমার দেশ ও আমার বাংলাদেশ - O amar desh o amar Bangladesh  (O my country, O my Bangladesh)

ও আমার দেশ ও আমার বাংলাদেশ

প্রতিদিন তোমায় দেখে সূর্য রাগে

প্রতিদিন তোমার কথা হৃদয়ে জাগে

ও আমার দেশ ও আমার বাংলাদেশ

ও আমার দেশ ও আমার বাংলাদেশ

নদীর ধারা আর পাখির গানে - Nodir dhara ar pakhir gaane (In the flow of the river and with the bird's song)

নতুন স্বপ্নের ছবি আনে..Natun shopner chhobi ane (Brings the picture of the new dreams)

নদীর ধারা আর পাখির গানে

নতুন স্বপ্নের ছবি আনে..

প্রতি প্রানে প্রেরণার..শিহর লাগে - Proti prane preronar shihor lage (Every heart feels the exitement of ambition)

প্রতিদিন তোমায় দেখে সূর্য রাগে

প্রতিদিন তোমার কথা হৃদয়ে জাগে

ও আমার দেশ ও আমার বাংলাদেশ

ও আমার দেশ ও আমার বাংলাদেশ

ফসল শোভায় আলোর তৃষা - Foshol shobhay alor trisha (In the beauty of the lights on the paddy field)

নতুন ছন্দের দিল দিশা..Natun chhonder dilo disha (Gave the new way of new rhythm)

ফসল শোভায় আলোর তৃষা

নতুন ছন্দের দিল দিশা..

প্রতি মনে চেতনার..জোয়ার জাগে - Proti mone chetonar jowar jaage (Starts flow of feelings in every mind)

প্রতিদিন তোমায় দেখে সূর্য রাগে

প্রতিদিন তোমার কথা হৃদয়ে জাগে

ও আমার দেশ ও আমার বাংলাদেশ

ও আমার দেশ ও আমার বাংলাদেশ

ও আমার দেশ ও আমার বাংলাদেশ

ও আমার দেশ ও আমার বাংলাদেশ

ও আমার দেশ ও আমার বাংলাদেশ

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Deviance, Crime, and Social Introduction to sociology


“Deviance, Crime, and Social Control”

Psychopaths and sociopaths people can sometimes get marge with regular people and act normal. However, they can go to extreme cruelty. Psychopath means they have some disorders of psychological, biological, and genetic factors. A sociopath has a disruption of predominant social factors.

Deviance and Control: The violation of norms is Deviance. And when a society tries to limit.

Deviance is called Social Control. Social Control as Sanctions: The regulations and enforcement of standards are called Social Control. It enforces rules through Sanctions. Social Control as Government and Discipline: The government gives individuals training, control, and observation to improve capabilities. Social Control as Risk Management: A model to reduce undesirable events. These events are the assessment of probabilities of risk.

Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance: Deviance and Crime have different explanations.

Functionalism: When a sociologist is concerned about the various elements of society working with functional approaches. Émile Durkheim: The Essential Nature of Deviance:  The belief that deviance is a necessary part of society. Social Disorganization Theory: The theory believes that crime occurs when social ties are weak and social control is absent. Robert Merton: Strain Theory: People’s determination to deviate depends on access to socially accepted goals. Critical Sociology: works on social and economic factors which are the causes of crime and deviance. Crime and Social Class: There is no clear evidence that crime happens to underprivileged people primarily. It occurs in both poor and rich social classes. Feminist Contributions: Criminally deviant Women are often taken as doubly bad because they did the criminal act and broke the gender norms. Symbolic Interactionism: This is a theoretical approach. It explains how society or social groups view deviant behaviour. Deviance as Learned Behaviour: individuals learn bad behaviour from their close ones. Whom they see as a model. Labelling Theory: We all do some deviant work. But those are called the criminals, whom society labelled Deviant.

Crime and the Law: The legal code establishes what crime is.

What Is Crime: All deviant work isn’t punishable, which is punishable as called Crime. Types of Crimes: Society decides which Crimes will be severe. Crime Statistics: Canada has been collecting and publishing Universal Crime Report Surveys. They collect data from all police agencies in Canada. The Declining Crime Rate in Canada: In the 1990s, crime rates started declining in Canada. Corrections: The corrections system is most known as the Prison system. Prisons and their Alternatives: Recently, public debate has been created on “Tough on Crime.” They are saying less punishment works more on people to be corrected.

Conclusions: In sociology, the study of crime, deviance and social control is essential, as well as public policy debates. Here it is difficult to think systematically about who did the crime and why. It is also crucial to consider why some activity is deviant and others not. A critical sociological question needs to be answered who gets to define whom as a criminal?


 (N.D.) Chapter 7. Deviance, Crime, and Social Introduction to sociology - 2nd Canadian edition

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Bangla Song: Hori Din To Gelo

 Through this song, we see in the movie how a widowed women live and waits to die.

Singer and actress: Chunibala Devi

Movie: Pother Panchali (1955)

Lyrics: Kangal Harinath Majumdar


Hori Din to Gelo Sondhya Holo (Lord, days passed away, it is coming to dusk)

Paar koro amare (Take me away to the another world)

Tumi paarer korta shune barta (You are the decision maker of taking life, listen my message)

Tai daaki tomare (That's why I am calling you)

Ami agey eshe Ghate roilam boshe (I came early and still waiting at the depot)

Ohey amay ki paar korbena hey (Oh won't you take me to the other world)

Ami odhom bole (Because I am a small person)

Jara pache ele agey gelo (Who came late gone early)

ami roilam pore (I am still waiting)

Hari Din to Gelo Sandha Holo

Paar koro amare

Shuni kori nai jar (I heard who doesn't have money)

Tumi taareo koro paar (You take them too)

Ami sei kotha shune ghate elam hey (Because I heard this I came to the depot)

Ami din bhikhari naiko kori (I am a beggar, I don't have money)

Dekho jhuli here (You can check my basket)

Hori Din to Gelo Sandha Holo

Paar koro amare

Amar paarer sombol doyal naamti kebol (The only wealth I have is taking your name merciful)

Tai doyamoy bole daki tomay hey (That's why I call you by the name Merciful)

Odhom taron bole daki tomay hey (You care for the small, that's why I call you)

Fikir kende aakul (I am crying)

Pore okul pathare satae (I am standing where I don't have anywhere to go)

Hori Din to Gelo Sondha Holo

Paar koro amare

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Home buying situation in Canada.

 If you want to help anyone, you can look for profit. If you are making a profit with your help, it's not help; it's business.

In Canada, it's getting harder and harder to buy a house. The amount of money people need to buy a small house is staggering. If they just cross the border or go to the UK or any other expensive place, they can buy a palace.

This is not a welcoming situation for Canadians. Things should improve. But maybe some people are getting richer. For those few people, all others are suffering. The situation should be good for all. Policies should be taken to fix this situation.

People should get loans without interest to buy houses. If you are saying you are helping to get a loan, then you are not helping the home buyer; you are helping the bank to profit and other stakeholders who are getting rich.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Bangla song: Dhano Dhanyo Pushpo Bhara

Lyrics and music: Dwijendralal Ray

Singers of this video: Sabina Yasmin · Samina Chowdhury · Pilu Khan · Nakib Khan · Partho Barua · Bappa Mazumder · Elita Karim · Parvez · Joy Shahriar · Konal

Lyrics with English Translation:

 ধন ধান্য পুষ্প ভরা আমাদের এই বসুন্ধরা

তাহার মাঝে আছে দেশ এক সকল দেশের সেরা

ও সে স্বপ্ন দিয়ে তৈরি সে দেশ স্মৃতি দিয়ে ঘেরা |

এমন দেশটি কোথাও খুঁজে পাবে নাকো তুমি

ও সে সকল দেশের রাণী সে যে আমার জন্মভূমি

সে যে আমার জন্মভূমি, সে যে আমার জন্মভূমি।।

dhɒno dhanno pushpo bhɒrA AmAdEr Ey boshundhɒrA

tAhAr mAjhE ACHE dEsh ɛk shɒkol dEshEr shErA

O shE shɒpno diyE tOyrI shE dEsh smriti diyE ghɛrA

ɛmOn dEshti kOthA’O khu.njE pAbE nAkO tumi

O shE shɒkol dEshEr rAnI shE jE AmAr jɒnmo bhUmi

shE jE AmAr jɒnmo bhUmi, shE jE AmAr jɒnmo bhUmi

In this (Ey) earth (boshundhɒrA) which is ours (AmAdEr), filled with (bhɒrA ) with riches (dhɒno), grain (dhanno) and flowers (pushpo), in the midst (mAjhE) of which (tAhAr) is (ACHE) a (ɛk) country (dEsh) which is the best (shErA) amongst all (shɒkol) countries (dEshEr). That which is (O shE) created (tOyrI ) with dreams (shɒpno) , that (shE) country (dEsh) is surrounded (ghɛrA) by memories (shmriti ). You (tumi) will never (nAkO) find (khu.njE pAbE) a country (dEshti) such as this (ɛmon) anywhere (kOthA’O)! That which is (O shE) the queen (rAnI) of all countries (shɒkol dEshEr), that is (shE jE) my (AmAr) birthplace (jɒnmo bhUmi).

চন্দ্র সূর্য গ্রহ তারা, কোথায় উজান এমন ধারা,

কোথায় এমন খেলে তড়িৎ, এমন কালো মেঘে,

ও তার পাখির ডাকে ঘুমিয়ে পড়ে (alt: উঠে ) পাখির ডাকে জেগে।

(repeat refrain)

chɒndro shUrjo grɒho tArA, kOthAy ujAn ɛmon dhArA

kOthAy ɛmon khɛlE tɒDit, ɛmon kAlO mEghE,

O tAr pAkhir DAkE ghumiyE pɒDE (alt: uTHE) pAkhir DAkE jEgE

(repeat refrain)

The moon (chɒndro), the sun (shUrjo), the planets (grɒho), the stars (tArA) – where (kOthAy) is such a (ɛmon) stream (dhArA) with an upstream flow (ujAn)? Where (kOthAy) does lightning (tɒDit) play (khɛlE) like this (ɛmon), amongst black (kAlO) clouds (mEghE) like this (ɛmon)? Which falls asleep (ghumiyE pɒDE/uTHE) with the call (DAkE) of its (tAr) birds, having also (implied) woken (jEgE) with bird calls (pAkhir DAkE).

এত স্নিগ্ধ নদী কাহার কোথায় এমন ধুম্র পাহাড়

কোথায় এমন হরিৎ ক্ষেত্র আকাশ তলে মেশে

এমন ধানের উপর ঢেউ খেলে যায় বাতাস কাহার দেশে

(repeat refrain)

ɛtO snigdhO nɒdI kAhAr, kOthAy ɛmon dhUmro pAhAD,

kOthAy ɛmon hɒrit khEtrO AkAsh tɒlE mEshE,

ɛmon  dhAnEr Upɒr dhE’U khɛlE jAy, bAtAsh kAhAr dEshE

(repeat refrain)

Whose (kAhAr) river (nɒdI) is as (ɛtO) gentle (snigdhO)? Where (kOthAy) are such (ɛmon) misty (dhUmro) mountains (pAhAD)? Where (kOthAy) are fields (khEtrO) green (hɒrit) like this (ɛmon) blending (mEshE) under (tɒlE) the skies (AkAsh)? In whose (kAhAr) country (dEshE) does the wind (bAtAsh) play (khɛlE) like waves (dhE’U) over (Upɒr) the rice fields (dhAnEr)?

পুষ্পে পুষ্পে ভরা শাখি কুঞ্জে কুঞ্জে গাহে পাখি

গুঞ্জরিয়া আসে অলি পুঞ্জে পুঞ্জে ধেয়ে

তারা ফুলের ওপর ঘুমিয়ে পড়ে ফুলের মধু খেয়ে।

(repeat refrain)

pushpE pushpE bhɒrA shAkhi, kunjE kunjE gAhE pAkhi

gunjɒriyA AshE oli punjE punjE dhEyE

tArA phUlEr Upɒr ghumiyE pɒDE phUlEr mɒdhu khEyE

(repeat refrain)

Branches (shAkhi)  filled (bhɒrA ) with flowers (pushpE, repeated for emphasis), birds (pAkhi) singing (gAhE) in bowers (kunjE kunjE), bees (oli) rush (dhEyE) in buzzing (gunjɒriyA) swarms (punjE punjE). They (tArA) sleep (ghumiyE pɒDE) on (Upɒr) the flowers (phUlEr) after having sipped (khEyE, literally eaten) the nectar (mɒdhu) of the flowers (phUlEr).

ভাইয়ের মায়ের এতো স্নেহ, কোথায় গেলে পাবে কেহ,

ও মা তোমার চরণ দুটি বক্ষে আমার ধরি,

আমার এই দেশেতে জন্ম যেন এই দেশেতে মরি।

(repeat refrain)

bhAiyEr mAyEr ɛtO snEhO kothAy gElE pAbE kEhO

O mA tOmAr chɒron duTi bɒkkhE AmAr dhɒri

AmAr Ey dEshEtE jɒnmo jɛno Ey dEshEtE məri

(repeat refrain)

Where (kOthAy) can anyone (kEhO) go (gElE) to get (pAbE) so much (ɛtO) love (snEhO) from brothers (baAiyEr) and mothers (mAyEr)? O Mother (mA), I hold (dhɒri) your (tOmAr) two (duTi) feet (chɒron) on my (AmAr) chest (bɒkkhE ). My (AmAr) birth (jɒnmo) was in this (Ey) country (dEshEtE), take care that (jɛno) I die (məri) in this (Ey) country (dEshEtE).

[Source: ]

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Biography 220: Water Treatment.

 When I was about 3/4 years old, my mom went to Saudi Arabia with a government job. I used to live with my father and grandmother (paternal), aunts and uncles (paternal), and their families.

I remember sometimes having stomach pains. At that time, my father used to put water in a steel bowl and put it on my stomach. I used to lay down on the bed with a bowl of water. My older sister liked to see all this and laugh at me. My father said the water would capture all your pain, and you would recover soon. Maybe that worked.

After moving to Canada, I heard some people say their mothers used to put a pot with water on their heads when they had headaches, which always worked.

Is this good, or does it have some scientific explanation?

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Bangla Song: Tomay Gaan Shonabo (I will sing a song for you) from Rabindranath

 A beautiful romantic song from Rabindranath Thakur.

Singer: Rupankar Bagchi

Lyrics with English Translation:

তোমায় গান শোনাব তাই তো আমায় জাগিয়ে রাখ

ওগো ঘুম-ভাঙানিয়া

বুকে চমক দিয়ে তাই তো ডাক’

ওগো দুখজাগানিয়া ॥

এল আঁধার ঘিরে, পাখি এল নীড়ে,

তরী এল তীরে

শুধু আমার হিয়া বিরাম পায় নাকো

ওগো দুখজাগানিয়া ॥

আমার কাজের মাঝে মাঝে

কান্নাহাসির দোলা তুমি থামতে দিলে না যে।

আমার পরশ ক’রে প্রাণ সুধায় ভ’রে

তুমি যাও যে সরে–

বুঝি আমার ব্যথার আড়ালেতে দাঁড়িয়ে থাক

ওগো দুখজাগানিয়া ॥


English translation (By Rabindranath Tagore):

You keep me awake that I may sing to you, O Breaker of my sleep!

And so my heart you startle with your call, O Waker of my grief!

The shades of evening fall, the birds come to their nest.

The boat arrives ashore, yet my heart knows no rest, O Waker of my grief!



You keep me awake so that I may sing to you,

O disrupter of my sleep!

My heart you startle with your call,

O waker of my grief! O waker of my grief, to you I’ll sing.

As dusk casts its mantle, birds return to their nests,

The boat comes ashore

Only, my heart knows no rest.

O waker of my grief, to you I’ll sing.

In between my daily chores,

You did not let the swing of my teardrops cease

You touch me and fill my soul with life’s nectar,

You move away…

Perhaps you linger behind the veil of my sorrow.

Oh, waker of my grief, to you I’ll sing.

Oh, waker of my grief, to you I’ll sing.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Questions and Answers on Virus


a.         is humanity and systems of inequity and inequality that are responsible for pandemics?  Why or why not?


I agree with the proposition that Where Nature creates viruses, it is humanity and systems of inequity and inequality that are responsible for pandemics.


Since old age, humans have been fighting natural disasters or viruses. We know how to manage or have some idea of how we can minimize the health issues/problem with the virus. But because of system inequity and inequality, we don't make the right and firm decision to fix or minimize the virus issues.


When the first Covid-19 virus started spreading, the world could have stopped visiting China in person. This way, the virus would have been kept in one place. China used this method in its own country and could stop massive spreading. But other countries didn't want to lose any business (Or money) with China, so their human movements (Business purposes) continued, and the virus spread worldwide. We know people from all over the countries do business with China.


Many countries developed the vaccine, including Canada and Bangladesh. But the world leaders only accepted three companies' vaccines, sold worldwide at a high price.


The rich countries used a lot of money and bought more vaccines than they needed. Now there was no more for the developing country, or they don't afford to buy vaccines.


It seems rich countries thought we would be safe if we could prevent the virus. But now a day, people travel everywhere. Some for business, for families or just for recreation. So, the virus also moves from developing countries to rich countries.


The reality is you are not safe unless the world is safe.


b.         Reflect on at least one of the stakeholders from the in-class debate (Corporation, Precarious Workers, Governments, Social Media, Vulnerable Communities) and discuss their role in the current Covid-19 pandemic.


Social Media:


Many people blame social media for disinformation about the Covid-19 related news, which is true. At the same time, we should also agree about its positive sides.

All information related to Covid-9 mostly went to the public through Social Media. All suggestions, protests, and other activities were also generated and executed and became news by Social Media. When people were locked down, Social Media helped them to stay close and entertained. Some people learned and then became famous by making videos.


Like Tagore, we must understand that if you want the wind in your room, you must let the dust come inside too.


 c.       Many scientists are predicting that there will be more pandemics to come. Reflecting on patterns of inequality and preparedness and our experience of the current pandemic, develop a 3-point plan (could add more points if you wish) to better prepare us against this type of disaster in the future.


            Three points:

1.    If any pandemic started, through the World Health Organisation, we must take all necessary steps to recover. Not wait until it attack our own country. The whole world should help and work together at every step. And also should research how to prevent this forever.

2.    Every country should invest in their health system to have enough resources to give service to every citizen. No one should discriminate against others for their poverty or race.

3.    No business or money-making policy should take place to make vaccines or medicine. This issue should be managed universally, and all must have access to them.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Song: Jay Ho! (You Are My Destiny)

I like it's music.


[Refrain: A.R. Rahman]

Jai Ho! Jai Ho!

[Verse 1: Nicole Scherzinger & A.R. Rahman]

I got shivers when you touch away

I'll make you hot, get all you got, I'll make you wanna say

(Jai Ho!)

(Jai Ho!)

I got fever running like a fire

For you, I will go all the way, I'm gonna take you higher

(Jai Ho!) I keep it steady 'cause steady is how I feel it

(Jai Ho!) This beat is heavy, so heavy, you gon' feel it

[Chorus: Nicole Scherzinger, A.R. Rahman, Nicole Scherzinger & A.R. Rahman]

(Jai Ho!) You are the reason that I breathe

(Jai Ho!) You are the reason that I still believe

(Jai Ho!) You are my destiny (My destiny)

(Jai Ho!) Oh-oh-oh-oh

(Jai Ho!) No, there is nothing that can stop us

(Jai Ho!) Nothing can ever come between us

(Jai Ho!) So come and dance with me (Dance with me)

(Jai Ho!)

[Post-Chorus: Nicole Scherzinger]

Catch me, catch me, catch me, come and catch me

I want you now

I know you can save me, come and save me

I need you now

I am yours forever, yes, forever

I will follow

Anywhere in anyway

Never gonna let go

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Ontario Car Insurance should be improved.

 Car insurance in Ontario needs some improvement. I have seen in Saskatoon, people don't afraid to claim insurance for any damage of their car. But in Ontario, even when it is not their fault the don't want to claim or inform about the damage to the insurance company. Because, most probably the insurance comapny will find some hidden cause for not to give any help. If somehow they help they will take the record as a bad record and will increase the insurance monthly payment. Not only that they will increase the insurance fee for all car owners in that area by saying it is a dangerous area for car drivers.

The insurance suppose to be helpful for the car drivers, that's why it's mandatory. But in Ontario, it is a punishment. It is to increase corporates money, not to help the general drivers. Things should be improved.

All insurance claims should come through a government regulatory system, who will determine whether the person should get insurance help or not. 3rd party, Not the private company. And also insurance amount should be regulated by the same government regulatory board, so that corporate won't be able to charge extra to the general people.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hindi song: Yaad Kiya Dil Ne Kahaan Ho Tum

Beautiful old song.
Movie: Patita (1953)
Music Director: Shankar Jaikishan
Singer:  Jagjit Singh | Live Concert Video

Lyrics with English translation: 

Yaad kiya dil ne kahaan ho tum – My heart is remembering you, where are you?

Jhoomti bahaar hai kahaan ho tum – The spring is in the air, where are you?

Pyaar se pukaar lo jahaan ho tum – 2 – Call with love, where ever you are

O, kho rahe ho aaj kis khayal mein  – Which thought are you lost in?

O, dil fasaa hai bebasi ke jaal mein  – My heart is trapped in my helplessness

Matlabi jahaan meherbaan ho tum – This world is selfish, you are generous

Yaad kiya dil ne kahaan ho tum – My heart is remembering you, where are you?

Pyaar se pukaar lo jahaan ho tum – 2 – Call with love, where ever you are

O, raat dhal chuki hai subah ho gayi – Sunset is over, and its morning now

O, main tumhaari yaad leke kho gayi – I was lost in your thoughts while remembering you

Ab to meri daastaan ho tum – Now, you are my entire tale/life story

Yaad kiya dil ne kahaan ho tum – My heart is remembering you, where are you?

Pyaar se pukaar lo jahaan ho tum – 2 – Call with love, where ever you are

O, tum humaari zindagi ke baag ho – You are a part of my life

O, tum humaari raah ke charaag ho – You are the light of my path

Mere liye aasmaan ho tum – For me, you are the sky

Yaad kiya dil ne kahaan ho tum – My heart is remembering you, where are you?

Pyaar se pukaar lo jahaan ho tum – 2 – Call with love, where ever you are

Hm mm mm, mm mm mm .. Hm mm mm, mm mm mm .. Hm mm mm, mm mm mm 


Friday, August 16, 2024

Biography 219: B(desh), Bangladesh.

The First World does its advertisement very well. People who are not from the First World think the First World is similar to heaven. Deep in their minds, they always want to live in the First World. In South Asia, people call this "Bidesh," which means some other country or abroad. Here, they meant the First World.

In my job some trainers came from India. I knew India is a very strong country comparatively other countries in South Asia. One day, I heard those trainers talking to themselves about going abroad (Bidesh). They were laughing at their poor luck. They wanted to go abroad, and their luck brought them to B(Bangl)Desh. Like they asked God to take them to Bidesh (Abroad) and God put them in Bangladesh.

I didn't feel good. Just wanted to say that Bangladesh has very good travel spots. They are of very good quality, very low cost, very good service, have very good sight views, anybody will love them.

You can try. I recommend.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Hindi Song: Tumsa Koi Pyaara

I like it's lyrics.

 Song: Tumsa Koi Pyaara

Movie: Khuddar (1994)

Singer(s): Kumar Sanu, Alka Yagnik

Music Director: Anu Malik

Lyricist: Rahat Indori

Cast: Govinda, Karisma Kapoor

Lyrics with the English translation:

Barsaat ka mausam, yahan hum yahan tum It's the monsoon season with you and me here

Sajni ko mil gaye sajan sajan sajan A beautiful girl has found her beloved

Tumsa koi pyaara koi masoom nahi hai There's no one as adorable and innocent like you

Kya cheez ho tum khud tumhe maloom nahi hai You yourself don't know who you are

Lakhon hai magar tumsa yahan kaun haseen hai There are millions here but there's no one like you

Tum jaan ho meri tumhe maloom nahi hai You don't know that you're my life

Tumsa koi pyaara koi masoom nahi hai There's no one as adorable and innocent like you

Kya cheez ho tum khud tumhe maloom nahi hai You yourself don't know who you are

Lakhon hai magar tumsa yahan kaun haseen hai There are millions here but there's no one like you

Tum jaan ho meri tumhe maloom nahi hai You don't know that you're my life

Tumsa koi pyaara koi masoom nahi hai There's no one as adorable and innocent like you

Kya cheez ho tum khud tumhe maloom nahi hai You yourself don't know who you are

Tumsa koi pyaara koi masoom nahi hai There's no one as adorable and innocent like you

Kya cheez ho tum khud tumhe maloom nahi hai You yourself don't know who you are

Sau phool khile jab yeh khila roop sunhera Hundreds of flowers bloomed when you became young

Sau chand bane jab yeh bana chand sa chehra Hundreds of moon were formed when your face lit like the moon

Sau phool khile jab yeh khila roop sunhera Hundreds of flowers bloomed when you became young

Sau chand bane jab yeh bana chand sa chehra Hundreds of moon were formed when your face lit like the moon

Itna bhi koi pyar ki raahon mein na ghum ho No one should be so lost in the path of love

Bas hosh hai itna ke mere saath mein tum ho I just care that you're there with me

Mere saath mein tum ho You're there with me

Mere saath mein tum ho You're there with me

Dhadkan hai kahin, dil hai kahin, jaan kahin hai My heartbeat, my heart, my life are spread around

Tum jaan ho meri tumhe maloom nahi hai You don't know that you're my life

Yeh chandni in aankhon ka saaya toh nahi hai Is the moonlight like a shadow of your eyes

Kya cheez ho tum khud tumhe maloom nahi hai You yourself don't know who you are

Tumsa koi pyaara koi masoom nahi hai There's no one as adorable and innocent like you

Kya cheez ho tum khud tumhe maloom nahi hai You yourself don't know who you are

Tumsa koi pyaara koi masoom nahi hai There's no one as adorable and innocent like you

Kya cheez ho tum khud tumhe maloom nahi hai You yourself don't know who you are

Yeh honth, yeh palkein, yeh nigahein, yeh adayein These lips, these eyelashes, these eyes, these styles

Mil jaye khuda mujhko toh main le loon balayein If I find God then I'll complain to him

Yeh honth, yeh palkein, yeh nigahein, yeh adayein These lips, these eyelashes, these eyes, these styles

Mil jaye khuda mujhko toh main le loon balayein If I find God then I'll complain to him

Duniya ka koi gham bhi mere paas na hoga No sorrow of the world will be with me

Tum saath chaloge toh yeh ehsaas na hoga If you walk with me then I won't even feel them

Ehsaas na hoga I won't even feel them

Ehsaas na hoga I won't even feel them

Akaash hai pairon mein hamare ke zameen hai Is the sky or the earth beneath our feet

Tum jaan ho meri tumhe maloom nahi hai You don't know that you're my life

Aisa koi mehboob zamane mein nahi hai There's no lover like me in this world

Kya cheez ho tum khud tumhe maloom nahi hai You yourself don't know who you are

Lakhon hai magar tumsa yahan kaun haseen hai There are millions here but there's no one like you

Tum jaan ho meri tumhe maloom nahi hai You don't know that you're my life

Tumsa koi pyaara koi masoom nahi hai There's no one as adorable and innocent like you

Kya cheez ho tum khud tumhe maloom nahi hai You yourself don't know who you are


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Globalization: buying and selling the world. Ellwood W. (2015)

 UN Money

I believe in making globalization work better; we must make sure the organization United Nations should perform their work without taking any donations from countries. Because grants often run the UN, we felt the organization needed to take direct and strict action against some big countries. For example, to improve the climate, we must take steps to prevent those things which are helping to destroy the environment. But big governments are not responding the way they should, and the UN (United Nations) is not forcing enough to make them do so.

It's a fact that the world is generating trillions of dollars through international business transactions. As James Tobin suggests, implementing a tariff on these transactions (Ellwood, 2015) could provide the UN with a substantial and fair funding source. This system would ensure that no single country can dominate the UN's operations, as contributions would be proportionate to a nation's level of international trade.


Ellwood W. (2015), Globalization buying and selling the world, New Internationalist Publication Ltd.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Hindi Song: Ye Tune Kya Kiya

 Song: Ye Tune Kya Kiya

Movie:  Once upon A Time In Mumbaai Dobara

Singer: Javed Bashir

Lyrics: Rajat Arora

Music: Pritam

Starring - Akshay Kumar, Imran Khan and Sonakshi Sinha

Lyrics with English translation:

Ishq woh bala hai Love is that problem

Ishq woh bala hai Love is that problem

Jisko chhua isne woh jala hai Which burns all those who touch it

Dil se hota hai shuru It starts with the heart

Dil se hota hai shuru It starts with the heart

Par kambakht sar pe chadha hai But the damn thing gets on your head

Kabhi khud se Sometimes with myself

Kabhi khuda se Sometimes with god

Kabhi zamaane se lada hai Sometimes with the world, it fights

Itna hua badnaam phir bhi It has such a bad name but still

Har zubaan pe adha hai It's stuck on everyone's lips

Ishq ki saazishein The conspiracies in love

Ishq ki baaziyan The bets in love

Haara main khel ke I lost after playing

Do dilon ka jua The gamble between two hearts

Kyun tune meri fursat ki Why did you make me free

Kyun dil mein itni harkat ki Why did you do such things in my heart

Ishaq mein itni barkat ki Why did you grow so much in love

Ye tune kya kiya What have you done

Phiroon ab maara maara main Now I keep roaming around

Chaand se bichda taara main I'm like a star separated from the moon

Dil se itna kyun haara main Why have I lost myself to my heart

Ye tune kya kiya What have you done

Saari duniya se jeet ke main After winning from the whole world

Aaya hoon idhar I've come here

Tere aage hi main haara I've lost only in front of you

Kiya tune kya asar What effect do you have on me

Main dil ka raaz kehta hoon I'm telling you the secret of my heart

Ke jab jab saansein leta hoon That whenever I breathe

Tera hi naam leta hoon I take your name

Ye tune kya kiya What have you done

Meri baahon ko teri saanson ki joh My arms are habituated to your breathe

Aadatein lagi hain waisi Just like that

Jee leta hoon ab main thoda aur I'm also living a little more

Mere dil ki ret pe aankhon ki joh When on the sand of my heart

Pade parchai teri The shadow of your eyes falls

Pee leta hoon tab main thoda aur Then I drink a little more

Jaane kaun hai tu meri Who are you to me

Main na jaanu ye magar I don't know that but

Jahaan jaun main karoon main wahan Wherever I go, over there

Tera hi zikar I mention only about you

Mujhe tu raazi lagti hai You look convinced to me

Jeeti hui baazi lagti hai You look like a bet that I've won

Tabiyat taazi lagti hai You look physically fresh

Ye tune kya kiya What have you done

Main dil ka raaz kehta hoon I'm telling you the secret of my heart

Ke jab jab saansein leta hoon That whenever I breathe

Tera hi naam leta hoon I take your name

Ye tune kya kiya What have you done

Dil karta hai teri baatein sunu I wish I keep listening to you

Saude main adhoore chunu I'm choosing incomplete trades

Muft ka hua ye fayda As if it's free profit

Kyun khud ko main barbaad karoon Why am I ruining myself

Fanaa hoke tujhse miloon And meeting you being so destroyed

Ishq ka ajab hai qayda Love has this strange law

Teri raahon se joh guzri hain Your paths have crossed

Meri dagar My paths

Main bhi aage badh gaya hoon Even I've moved forward

Hoke thoda befikar Being a little careless

Kaho toh kis se marzi loon Tell me whose permission should I take

Kaho toh kis ko arzi doon Tell me whom should I send a request

Hasta ab thoda farzi hoon My laughter has become slightly fake

Ye tune kya kiya What have you done

Main dil ka raaz kehta hoon I'm telling you the secret of my heart

Ke jab jab saansein leta hoon That whenever I breathe

Tera hi naam leta hoon I take your name

Ye tune kya kiya What have you done

Kyun tune meri fursat ki Why did you make me free

Kyun dil mein itni harkat ki Why did you do such things in my heart

Ishaq mein itni barkat ki Why did you grow so much in love

Ye tune kya kiya What have you done

Phiroon ab maara maara main Now I keep roaming around

Chaand se bichda taara main I'm like a star separated from the moon

Dil se itna kyun haara main Why have I lost myself to my heart

Ye tune kya kiya What have you done

Ishq ki saazishein The conspiracies in love

Ishq ki baaziyaan The bets in love

Haara main khel ke I lost after playing

Do dilon ka jua The gamble between two hearts

[Source: ]

Monday, August 12, 2024

More good movies for teen

We have many movies for adults and children, but we don't have many movies that are good for teens. Then what will these teens watch? They don't like children's movies. They will watch adult ones, which are not suitable for their brain and mental stage.

We need good movies for teens that will encourage them to prepare for adulthood, enjoy their teen years, work in whatever suits them, and have good manners toward both children and adults.

They are in the middle stage, just before adulthood. At this time, they are losing interest in their childhood games and toys and feel interested in adult things. They need an age-appropriate entertainment system. They can't play at the playground with children and can't join adult-related games.

This is when they get misguided. That's why we have to be very careful to take care of their physical and mental health and guide them in the right ways. We have to arrange enough age-appropriate work, study, and entertainment elements, including movies.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Hindi Song: Edhar Chala Main Udhar Chala

A sweet song.

 Artist: Udit Narayan, Alka Yagnik

Music: Rajesh Roshan

Lyrics: Ibrahim Ashq

Actors: Hrithik Roshan, Preity Zinta

Film: Koi mil geya

Lyrics with English Translation:

Idhar chala main udhar chala I'm going from here to there

Jaane kahan main kidhar chala I don't know as to where I'm going

Idhar chala main udhar chala I'm going from here to there

Jaane kahan main kidhar chala I don't know as to where I'm going

Arre phisal gaya Oh my, I've slipped

Yeh tune kya kiya What have you done

Idhar chali main udhar chali I'm going from here to there

Jaane kahan main kidhar chali I don't know as to where I'm going

Idhar chali main udhar chali I'm going from here to there

Jaane kahan main kidhar chali I don't know as to where I'm going

Arre phisal gayi Oh my, I've slipped

Le tere sang ho chali I've come along with you

Nazar yeh kiski humein lagi Whose evil eye has cursed us

Nazar yeh kiski humein lagi ke chalte chalte phisal gaye Whose evil eye has cursed us that we slipped as we walked

Hansi hansi mein yeh kya hua, hum badal gaye What happened in our enjoyment that we've changed

Nazar yeh kiski humein lagi ke chalte chalte phisal gaye Whose evil eye has cursed us that we slipped as we walked

Hansi hansi mein yeh kya hua, hum badal gaye What happened in our enjoyment that we've changed

Kyun badal gaye Why did we change

Hum badal gaye We've changed

Idhar chala main udhar chala I'm going from here to there

Jaane kahan main kidhar chala I don't know as to where I'm going

Idhar chala main udhar chala I'm going from here to there

Jaane kahan main kidhar chala I don't know as to where I'm going

Arre phisal gaya Oh my, I've slipped

Yeh tune kya kiya What have you done

Tum itne bhole ho kis liye Why are you so naive

Tum itni achhi ho is liye Since you're so good, that's why

Kyun achhi hoon yeh batao tum Tell me, why do you think that I'm good

Kyun bataun main Why should I tell you that

Tum itne bhole ho kis liye Why are you so naive

Tum itni achhi ho is liye Since you're so good, that's why

Kyun achhi hoon yeh batao tum Tell me, why do you think that I'm good

Kyun bataun main Why should I tell you that

Kuch batao na Say something please

Kyun bataun main Why should I tell you that

Idhar chali main udhar chali I'm going from here to there

Jaane kahan main kidhar chali I don't know as to where I'm going

Arre phisal gayi Oh my, I've slipped

Le tere sang ho chali I've come along with you

Idhar chala main udhar chala I'm going from here to there

Jaane kahan main kidhar chala I don't know as to where I'm going

Arre phisal gaya Oh my, I've slipped

Yeh tune kya kiya What have you done

Main tere sang ho chali I've come along with you

Yeh tune kya kiya What have you done

Main tere sang ho chali I've come along with you


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Biography 218: We remember him

 I asked Shafeen how much he remembered about my father. Shafeen said he didn't remember much, which made me sad. Then he said he remembered my dad used to take him to the supermarkets and buy toys. He also remembered that they liked each other very much.

Shafeen was 2 years and 8 months old when my father died. I was surprised that he still remembered him.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Hindi Song: Hum Pagal Nehin hai Bhaiya

Sometimes, you feel you are in this position.

 Song - Hum Pagal Nahin Hai

Singer: Himesh Reshammiya

Music by: Himesh Reshammiya

Lyricist: Mayur Puri

Main Actors: Saif Ali Khan, Ritesh Deshmukh

Lyrics with English Translation:

Hum sarphire bigde huve nawaab hain

We act like crazy spoilt kings

Padh lo humein, hum to khuli kitaab hain

You can get to know us easily as we are like open books

Haddi bhi hum hain aur hum hi qabaab hain

We are the bone as well as the kebad

Hum Pagal Nahin Hain bhaiya

We are not crazy

Humara dimag kharab hai

It's just that our minds are a little corrupt

Hum pagal nahi hain bhaiya

We are not crazy

Humara dimag kharaab hai

It's just that our minds are a little corrupt

Humein dekh ke uthta yahi sawaal hai

And looking at us this question arise

Kaala hai daal main ya kaali daal hai

Is there something black in the lentils or are the lentils is black?

Khote sabhi sikkon ki ye taksaal hai

This is a mint of fake coins

Hum Pagal Nahin Hai bhaiya

We are not crazy

Humara dimag kharab hai

It's just that our minds are a little corrupt

Hum Pagal Nahi Hai bhaiya

We are not crazy

Humara dimag kharab hai

It's just that our minds are a little corrupt

Bade badnaam huve, bade mash′hoor huve

Bade badnaam huve, bade mash′hoor huve

Apno se door huve, door huve, door huve

We have become distant from our close one

Dil ke murder bhi huve

Our heart's got murdered

Bade torture bhi huve

We even got tortured a lot

Ghamon se choor huve, choor huve, choor huve

We are crushed due to grief

O bandhu re. O bandhu re

O friend.. ofriend....

O bandhu re tuje mil ke mere ujde chaman mein

O my friend! After meeting you,a rose is

Khil gaya gulaab hai

Blossoming in my barrens garden

Hum Pagal Nahin Hai bhaiya

We are not crazy

Humara dimag kharab hai

It's just that our minds are a little corrupt

Hum pagal nahin hai bhaiya

We are not crazy

Humara dimag kharab hai

It's just that our minds are a little corrupt

Osama ya Obama hoga Vasco da Gama

Is maybe Osama,or Vasco Da Gama

Mujhe kuch yaad nahi, yaad nahi, yaad nahi

I don't remember anything

Daali pe phool nahi

There's no flower on the branch

Ye meri bhool nahi

But this not my fault

Kyari main khaad nahi, khaad nahi, khaad nahi

As there's no Fertilizer in the field

O bandhu re. O bandhu re

O friend.. ofriend....

O bandhu re yahaan reh ke

O bandhu re yahaan reh ke

Mera bhi ho gaya dimag ye kharab hai

Mera bhi ho gaya dimag ye kharab hai

Hum pagal nahi hai bhaiya

We are not crazy

Humara dimag kharab hai

It's just that our minds are a little corrupt

Hum pagal nahi hai bhaiya

We are not crazy

Humara dimag kharab hai

It's just that our minds are a little corrupt

Hum sarphire bigde huve nawaab hain

We act like crazy spoilt kings

Padh lo humein, hum to khuli kitaab hain

You can get to know us easily as we are like open books

Haddi bhi hum hain aur hum hi qabaab hain

We are the bone as well as the kebad

Hum pagal nahin hain bhaiya

We are not crazy

Humala dimag khalab hai

It's just that our minds are a little corrupt

Hum pagal nahi hain bhaiya

We are not crazy

Humala dimag khalab hai

It's just that our minds are a little corrupt


Thursday, August 8, 2024

"Gender Inequality" Kendall, Diana, Vicki L. Nygaard & Edward G. Thompson.

 Gender Inequality as a social problem: Sexism means the female gender will be subordinate to the male gender. Patriarchy refers to a society controlled by men culturally, economically and politically. According to Statistics Canada, 2006, in 2004, 49% of Canadian women aged 15 or over 15 worked for payment. Women are constantly discriminated against because of their gender.

-          Defining Sex and gender: Some people use the words Sex and gender have the same meaning. Sociologists believe they are different. Sex means biological features and hormonal and chromosomal attributes of males and females. Before or after birth, we identify males or females by their sex organs and genes. Gender means those social attributes that dictate the differentiation of male and female behaviour, thoughts and emotions.


-          Social Problems and Social Policy: Trans-gressing gender norms: Transgender people has right to be declare themselves as a male or female as they wish. The University of Victoria first declare this. Transgender people faces a lot pressure and discrimanination from the society.

Biological and social bases of gender roles: Generally we believe that boys has more aggressive and harsh and girls has soft movement. This is actullly not biological issues. These differences are created by the society for years after years. In the same way man’s work and woman’s work have been devided.

Contemporary gender inequality

-          The gendered division of paid work and the wage gap: Society assume that women are physically not as strong as men so, they will be paid less. But in real world, women are working just like a man or better than that.

-          Sexual harassment: : In work place many women faced sexual harassment. Sometimes society take is as a man’s common behaviour. It’s not. It’s actually show of their power and misusing of it.

-          The Glass Ceiling and the glass escalator: There is an invisible barrier created by the male management in companies. They don’t want any female to go to the top positions.

-          The double shift: Though men and women both work outside but at home responsibility of the women remained same. They have to work in both place. Where men has excused themselves by saying they are working outside.

Theorotical Perspective of Gender:  Funtionality (Instrumental and Expressive tasks), Neoclassical Economic (Human Capital), Conflict (Gender division of labour), Faminist liberal Faminism (Equal rights), Redical feminism (Patriarchy), Socialist Faminism (Gendered Job Segragation), Multicultural feminism (Double or Triple jeopardy), and Post Mordanist Faminism (Deconstructing Gender).

The rise of Islamic Faminism in the Middle East: In United Arab Amirat. A muslim women became Imam. Who give advices how to live like a Muslim. Which was the man’s job, generally all over the world.


Kendall, Diana, Vicki L. Nygaard & Edward G. Thompson. Gender Inequality. In Social Problems in a Diverse Society.Pearson Education Canada.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Hindi Song: Bahome Chale Ao

 It's a beautiful, sweet, romantic song. For the new generation, I must inform you, it's her real hair.

Film: Anamika (1973)

Singer: Lata Mangeshkar

Song Lyricists: Majrooh Sultanpuri

Music Director: R D Burman

Actors: Sanjeev Kumar and Jaya Bhadury

Lyrics with English translation:

Bahon mein chale aao Come in my arms

Bahon mein chale aao Come in my arms

Ho humse sanam kya parda There's no curtain between you and me

Ho humse sanam kya parda There's no curtain between you and me

Yeh aaj ka nahi milan This is not an union just for today

Yeh sang hai umar bhar ka It's a companionship for the entire life

Shh shh shh shh shh Shh shh shh shh shh

Bahon mein chale aao Come in my arms

Ho humse sanam kya parda There's no curtain between you and me

Ho humse sanam kya parda There's no curtain between you and me

Chale hi jaana hai nazar churake yoon If you had to leave after looking into my eyes

Phir thaami thi sajan tumne meri kalai kyun, haan Then beloved why did you even hold my wrist, why

Chale hi jaana hai nazar churake yoon If you had to leave after looking into my eyes

Phir thaami thi sajan tumne meri kalai kyun Then beloved why did you even hold my wrist

Kisi ko apna banake chhod de Leaving someone after making them your dear one

Aisa koi nahi karta Who does this

Shh shh shh shh shh Shh shh shh shh shh

Bahon mein chale aao Come in my arms

Ho humse sanam kya parda There's no curtain between you and me

Ho humse sanam kya parda There's no curtain between you and me

Kabhi kabhi kuch toh kaho piya humse At times say something to me beloved

Ae kam se kam aaj toh khulke milo zara humse, hmm At least meet me today openly, alright

Kabhi kabhi kuch toh kaho piya humse At times say something to me beloved

Ae kam se kam aaj toh khulke milo zara humse At least meet me today openly

Hai raat apni joh tum ho apne The night is ours if you're mine

Kisi ka phir humein dar kya We don't have to fear anyone then

Shh shh shh shh shh Shh shh shh shh shh

Bahon mein chale aao Come in my arms

Ho humse sanam kya parda There's no curtain between you and me

Ho humse sanam kya parda There's no curtain between you and me

Yeh aaj ka nahi milan This is not an union just for today

Yeh sang hai umar bhar ka It's a companionship for the entire life

Shh shh shh shh shh Shh shh shh shh shh

Bahon mein chale aao Come in my arms

Ho humse sanam kya parda There's no curtain between you and me

Ho humse sanam kya parda There's no curtain between you and me

[Source: ]