Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Biography 225: To stay away from a student.

 I had a student. We made a three-month contract to teach the programming language ASP. He was supposed to pay me TK 1000 per month. He used to come to our home. I had a deal with my brother that he would let me use his room for this tuition. Every month, I would pay him TK 100. Because I didn't want to take him to my room. I have used my brother's desktop computer.

I followed a book to teach my student organized. I had a plan for how I would teach him the significant and necessary things of ASP.

I don't remember now, but he probably used to come to our house on weekends. I gave my full effort, and it seems he learned whatever lesson I gave him.

At the end of the month, he gave me half of my tuition fee, TK 500, and said, "Please keep this." I felt he wanted to say to me, "This is what you are worth." Anyway, I am not a person who argues with people. I just told him not to come the next day. This tuition session is over. Later I paid to my brother TK 100 as I had a deal with him. No matter what, I always try to pay back as I had the deal.

Probably, my stuent didn't expect this reaction. He was so surprise. Like, I suppose to agree with his 50% less attitude. He said, "if you don't teach me where I will go? Please don't be so harsh on me. Please keep teaching me. I won't listen to you. I will come to your house next week, no matter I many times you say no."

As I said, I didn't argue. I just kept quiet. But I really wanted to avoid any unwanted situation. I knew my colleague Tania had an extra room in her house; she kept it as a guest room. So, I requested her to let me sleep one night at her home so that I could avoid my student. He agreed with a big smile.

It became a one-night out with a friend. Her husband sometimes joined us, like a friend. The couple sometimes argued about things that made me laugh. For example, her husband opened the fridge and started saying, "Why didn't you cook those green bananas? Now they're becoming yellow. What should I do with those? Now eat those with your friend, etc." The way he was saying it made me laugh out loud. Tania was also laughing with me.

I slept in her guest room. She took care of me like a mother. She gave me a beautiful blanket to sleep with. She also called our other colleagues to let them know how I got scared of a student and hid in her house.

The next day, I came back home and was relieved that the student didn't show up.

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