Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Political Culture

 The Road to Political Culture: A Changing Canada or a Cranky Canada: As a democratic country, Canada should have trust in its government. Though it is decreasing, the support for RCMP decreased by 7 %. During the pandemic, this situation became worse. Many controversies came on lockdown, vaccine mandate, mask mandate, etc. Freedom convoy came to Ottawa to protest.

Explain the meaning of political culture and its antecedents: One person will be selected from a city.

What is Political Culture: Political culture changes frequently. Every culture has some symbols that reflect its culture.

 Important Canadian Symbol: Americans used their flag to show America is great. Monarchy is a controversial symbol in Canada, which Quebec refused to accept. The Charter of Rights is an excellent symbol of a united Canada. Another one is the Canadian Health Care System. The value of the symbols can be changed with time like many statues had been removed.

In Search of Canadian Political Culture: Every country has its unique political culture, though, at the same time, it can resemble other countries, too. Canadian political culture has with other British colony countries, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA, the only neighbouring country. Canadians and the USA share the same long border.

Analyzing Political Culture: Discuss the theories used to explore Canadian political culture: Canadian political scientists used two approaches to describe Canadian Political Culture. One is based on history, and the other is a sample survey.

Theoretical and Historical Approaches to Understanding Political Culture: Political Culture is like an umbrella where different ideologies may exist. In Canada, we have three significant ideologies:

Conservatism, Liberalism and Socialism. Founding Fragments Theory: Canadian Ideologies should be divided into English and French. Formative Events Theory: The birth of the country significantly impacts the Ideology. Canada slowly disengaged from the British. However, Canada didn’t go against its mother country.

A National Political Culture: Common Beliefs and Values: 76% of Canadians said they are satisfied with their democracy, whereas the USA was 46%.

Views about Government and Politics: Only 4% of Canadians have a favourable opinion of politicians. Trust in government and political institutions is decreasing. Though 67% of Canadians said, they somewhat trust the government.

Rights and Freedoms: Canadian Rights and Freedoms were established in Canada in 1982.

Tolerance: the adoption policy of multiculturalism in 1971 was the first in the world, in Canada.

Diversity and Political Culture: Provincial and Regional Political Cultures: Canadian politics are regional.

Quebec Political Culture: They are the master of their financial institute. They first introduce laws to die (For ill patients), not accepting head cover for Muslim women for public service.

Indigenous Political Cultures: Canada is neglecting Indigenous values.

Ethnicity: Canada has different ethnic groups.

Youth: Canadian youth has a different view than the aged generation.

A Redundant Border: Determine the extent of the similarities between Canadians and Americans: Canadians living in a shadow of the USA culture. We have over 9000km of border, language, and culture.

Global Cultural Trends: Some think Canadian political values are closer to Europe than the USA.

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