Monday, September 16, 2024

Discussion on Facebook

 The owner had created Facebook to show pictures of those people you know. People browse the net for many purposes, like news, entertainment, etc. But people liked to know and see more about their known people than the unknown people. From this concept, Facebook became popular.

Nowadays, Facebook has become a perfect tool for many purposes. Today I will discuss one of its most dangerous effects of it. Facebook became an excellent medium to spread misinformation and disinformation. Facebook uses perfect algorithms to know your likings and preferences. They regularly monitor which news you check, how long you have been there, where you just put your mouse and every other minor detail. Based on that, they show you posts. So, if you are interested in any misinformation, the Facebook algorithm will show you all other related misinformation. And slowly, you will start believing those wrong information and be a media to spread that information to your friends and family. So, other people who may not consider any unknown source will think about it as if it came from you. We can call this technological diffusion.


The dangers of misleading information and 3-5 steps that Community Workers can take to counter misinformation/disinformation.

Community Workers should always be aware of all information and misinformation running in the community so that they can take necessary steps to guide the community to avoid any consequences from the misinformation. The steps they might take are:

-          The community worker may report the misinformation to the media who had posted it.

-          The community worker should provide information with proof of the misinformation in the post's comments so that others can be aware of it.

-          In community meetings, the community worker may give accurate information to inform people about misinformation and disinformation.

-          Community Workers may make one-to-one communication where they feel it's needed to spot spreading misinformation.

-          Community workers may arrange community gatherings with knowledgeable persons like scientists, doctors, etc., who might talk with the community people directly to make them aware of the factual, scientific information.

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