Friday, September 20, 2024

No homework

 I believe students shouldn't have assignments to complete at home (Homework). Whatever teachers want to teach should be done in the classroom. All work should be done at school time. Home time should be for enjoying and learning from real life. 

They might get assigned to do household work, like laundry, dishes, and preparing meals. They might also help mom or dad, clean the room and the whole house, fix things, create something for home, play with siblings or parents or alone, etc. They might also travel with the family to different places. 

After school, time should be spent on real-life training with surroundings, such as going to old-age homes to the elders, giving time to junior schools to help juniors, going to the hospitals to help doctors, nurses, and patients, and going to any office where they can help and do real office work. They can go to a shelter to help people who needed, help in community center and food banks.

We should merge school life book learning and real-life learning. Not take all of their time from their life. We should keep room for them to increase their creativity. We should teach them how to utilize their time. How to have good business ideas to start earning.

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