Saturday, September 28, 2024

The course CO1 Community worker and the world

 1)      Some of the main ideas and relationships that inform your ideas about the world: 

I am a religious person. I believe the creator created all of us, including humans, non-human animals, and other natural things. We are responsible for all creatures and nature (like water, mountains, etc.), benefiting from them and living together in harmony.

But we know, everybody doesn’t think like that. Some people only seek profit and believe that if their home or part of the earth stays well, they and the next generation will remain good. But the truth is that we all share this earth. If in any place we destroy anything, like nature, the whole world will suffer. For example, the glaciers are melting at the North Pole, and small islands are sinking underwater in tropical areas. 

2)     Whether or not the learning that you have done in this course or any of your other courses this semester has shifted the way you understand the world you live in, your identity, or your relationships: 

Before I joined the program C101 Community Worker, I thought a community worker’s job was to help people who are in need. After entering the program, I learned from the courses Introduction to Community Worker, Interpersonal communication, sociology, and human right that community workers empower people; they work with them, not for them. People who are in trouble already know what they need. They don’t need any outsider who doesn’t know about them and has never lived with their problem, who will come and tell them what they should have gotten. So, the community worker’s job is to help them to achieve what they need and support them where they need support. Sometimes giving them time and listening to them is the best medicine for a problem.

I still believe Canada is the best multicultural country on earth. No other government treats people from different communities in such a generous way as Canadians do. After joining the program, I know there are still many rooms to upgrade for Canada. I learned this from the Indigenous course as well as the other courses.

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