Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Biography 224: A new colleague

 A new colleague joined us. I found him very friendly—I mean overly friendly. He was laughing, talking, and moving like dancing everywhere. He went to every desk to make friends. He couldn't do well with me, or he wasn't interested in making friends with me.

His best friend became our project manager. He called her Bhabi (Sister in law). Giving her all kinds of help and suggestions. She became very dependent on him. He started going to her home during lunch break with her. Her house was nearby, so she used to go to her home on lunch break. She fed her well by making new delicious items. I overheard him saying that today's chicken salad was the world's best. I agree with him. Because she brought food to the office one day, which was very delicious.

Then, one day, I heard the project manager was fired. Because she can't work alone, she doesn't have the capability to manage projects. Can you guess who complained to the owner? Her best friend, our new colleague. I was thinking, at least for a free good lunch, he should have kept her as a friend.

The project manager was gone. Next, he made friends with our head network administrator. I had a bad feeling that this network manager might fall into trouble soon. And it was. Soon, the friend complained to the owner that the network manager didn't know how to work. He looked at a book while working. The owner called the system administrator, and he decided to quit his job.

One day, I was designing the company website. I already told you I didn't make friends with the new guy. But that guy went to my close friend colleague behind my back. If I had known, I would have warned her. He said something to her. She and the new guy came to me and started suggesting ways to design the website.

She said, "Why are you working so hard to make the all buttons and links in personalized design. See Microsoft Word has so many clip art. Use those, the company owner will like the design." He also asked me to use ready made borders. Kind off force fully, by standing beside my back, keep suggesting me and made me to use those to design the website. And then asked me to send this to the owner for approval.

I thought, as they all came to me, they were looking for me and trying to rescue me. So, let's make one according to their suggestion. But I knew as he was behind me, so next, I had to leave.

Later, I heard from somewhere else. Someone said to all that I don't know how to design a website. I take help from ready-made designs. I never did that.

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