Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Event pictures... focus on what?

When we take pictures of an event we give emphasis on some major point. These points are different to different photographer. Like:
Some photographer focus on the 

a) People (Both people who joins the event and who are interested about the event will like to see peoples of the event. Some will be happy see their faces and others will be happy to see who attended the ceremony)

b) Decoration (In many events new decoration, lighting had to included, people like to see and even organizers wants to show how they had decorated their party)

c) What happen (Everybody will  like to see what the things happen in the party, so photographer may took every incidents picture, sometime funny pictures)

I think it will be good if anyone can take all pictures combining all 3 views given here.

Monday, September 29, 2014

যার সাথে কথা বলে ভাল লাগে

শুনেছি, আমি ছোট বেলায় প্রচুর কথা বলতাম. কথা বলে বলে মানুষের মাথার পোকা নাড়িয়ে দিতাম. আমার মনে নেই. আমার যখন থেকে নিজের কথা মনে আছে, তখন থেকে আমি কথা খুব কম বলি. প্রয়োজনীয় কথাও সময় মতো বলিনা. চাকুরী করার সময় জোর করে এই আচরন থেকে বের হয়েছিলাম. এমন চুপ করে থাকলে কেউ কাজ দিবে না.

তবে এখনও, কোন কারন ছাড়া ঠিক কথা বলিনা.

তারপরও  কারো কারো সাথে কোন কারন ছাড়াই সারাক্ষন কথা বলতে ইচ্ছা করে. আমি জানি এভাবে কাউকে বিরক্ত করা ঠিক না. তাই খুব সাবধানে অল্প অল্প করে বলি. একবারে কথা বন্ধ হয়ে যাবার চেয়ে কম কথা বলা ভাল. আর ১০ মিনিটের মধ্যে শেষ করা আরো ভালো. কে জানে, আবার কখন মনোমালিন্য হয়ে যায়. সাবধানের মার নেই :)

যাদের সাথে কথা বলে শান্তি পাওয়া যায়, তাদের সাথে কথা বলা বন্ধ হলে খুব খারাপ লাগে.

I heard, in my childhood I use to talk a lot. People use to get irritate because of my talking. But I can't remember that situation. What I find about myself is I am a very shy person. Even I don't speak when needed.

I have changed my attitude during service time. No body is going to give job to a person who can't speak.

Still I don't speak unnecessary talks. So, actually I don't speak much. I am a good listener.

But sometimes I felt to talk with some people and continue talking for long time. And I know, I shouldn't disturb people this way, So, I don't speak much (no matter how much I like to talk unnecessarily). And try to stop conversation within a short time. I don't want lose them, I really misses our talking....

Thursday, September 25, 2014

To learn riding bicycle, you should remove those training wheels first.

When I was a kid, we lived in Saudi Arabia. Just beside our house there was another child who was only 1 year junior than. Her name is Tina and obviously we became very good friend. Her parents once bought her a bicycle. I saw, and felt it's OK. I knew she had many toys which I didn't. But my parents thought I was upset so they buy another bicycle, same as her (didn't find other design). My mom told me, when you learn how to ride a bicycle, we will remove both safety wheels.

But the truth is, if those wheels remains, then no body learn riding a bicycle. So, I didn't know how to ride a bicycle, my elder sister's son Tameem also ride this same cycle and he didn't learn too. But my younger brother learned very quickly, because he removed those safety/training wheels.

My son also is riding the same bicycle. I asked him, should I remove those little wheels? He scared and said, NO.

Later, he learned it from another bicycle, which didn't have any training wheels in Canada.

Take some dry food and water with you when you go to any office for any service

Whenever you go to any office for any service take some dry food and water. Because you never know how long they will keep you waiting. It could be 5 minutes to 15 hours. And you can’t go out always to take food from a Queue. This tip is really very helpful if you have any work in government office.

Yesterday I was standing in a Queue for 1 hour because of power fail. They left the desk because server was shut down. After one hour electricity came but the desk man left for lunch. He came back after half an hour (didn't take much time for lunch, I must say) and again left for toilet. Again I had to go to other desk and found that person left for lunch and he went to his house. After one hour of waiting someone suggest I could go to other desk instead of waiting.... I expended a long day without food and water. Didn't want to take any chance to lose any person who might come back anytime after their breaks.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

আমি জানি সব কথা ধরতে নেই (we don't have to take all word seriously)

আমি কোন কিছু বললে সেটা অবশ্যই রাখার চেষ্টা করি. যথেস্ট চেষ্টা করি. যদি কখনো কাউকে বলি যে বিকালে পর্যটন মেলায় যাব. পরে যতই অনিচ্ছা হোক না কেন, ঠিকই যাই. তারপর ফোন দিয়ে দেখি আমার সেই বন্ধু আমাদের যাওয়ার ব্যাপারটায় কোন গুরুত্ব দেয়নি, সে অন্য কাজে ব্যস্ত. শেষ পর্যন্ত একা একাই পুরো মেলা ঘুরে দেখি.

কখনোও কখনোও কথায় কথায় হয়তো বলে ফেলি, আজ এই কাজটা করব. এরপর যত অসুবিধাই হোক না কেন, আমি কাজটা করি, যাকে বলেছি সে হয়তো জানেনও না, আমি কাজটা করলাম, না করলাম না. কিন্তু যেহেতু আমি বলেছি, আমি কথাটা রাখার চেষ্টা করি.

এজন্যই যখন অন্য কেউ যখন কিছু বলে, অতি বোকার মতো আমি সেটা বিশ্বাস করি.

কেউ যখন বলে "আই উইল নেভার লেট ইউ ডাউন", আমি বিশ্বাস করি. মনে করি যেন সে সত্যি আমার খেয়াল রাখবে. যখন ভুল ভাঙ্গে তখন মনে হয়, ও না এটা বলেছিল.

কেউ যখন বলে আমার জন্য সে জান দিয়ে দিবে. আমি বিশ্বাস করি. যদিও ১২ ঘন্টার মধ্যে হয়তো সে প্রমান করে দেয়, সে এমনি বলেছিল.

কেউ যখন জানায় সে আমাকে ভালবাসে, আমার মনে হয় সত্যি হয়তো তাই. যদিও সেটা হয়তো ২৪ ঘন্টার বেশি থাকে না.

আমি জানি, ভুলটা আমার. মানুষ এমনিতেই অনেক কথা বলে, এসব ধরতে নেই. ভুলটা আমারি.

তাই আমি যখন বলি, আমার নাম্বার বদলালে আমি জানাবো, তোমারটা বদলে ফেললেও আমাকে জানিও. আমি সত্যি সেটা করব, আমার আশা নিয়ে বসে থাকি সেও আমার ক্ষেত্রে সেটা করবে.

আমি জানি সব কথা ধরতে নেই. ছোট ছোট বিষয় তো সবাই এমনি বলে. এমন করে সব কথা ধরে বসে থাকতে নেই. সবাই তো আমার মতো সব কথা নিয়ে এতো সিরিয়াস নয়.

When I say anything, I try to keep that word. No matter how simple those words are. Like if I say to any of my friend, that we will go to the Parjatan fair this afternoon. Later no matter how bad I feel, I will go there and call my friend. Then I realize they didn't take that plan seriously. So, they are busy with other work. Finally I had to enjoy myself.

Sometimes people may say, "I will never let you down". I trust them. I believed they will always be with me and help me whenever I fall in trouble. But later I found, they don't care at all. It's not their fault. People say this way, generally, it's my fault that I believe peoples every word.

People may say they will die for me. Well within 12 hours they might change their mind. It's OK. Some says, they love me or trust me. Though, after 24 hours I found that actually they are not feeling that way.

I know, I shouldn't trust and expect that whatever people says are iron true. But my stupid mind always makes this mistake. That's why when I said, I will let you know if I change my number and please do same. I believed they will remember that. Though, I shouldn't expect that people will remember f my words and follow them. .

Monday, September 22, 2014

Story of a marriage life

I am talking about a working woman. She has 5 kids. Four of them get born while she was doing job. She was miscarriage one kid (because of work pressure). She left her job before second kid admitted in school. So, actually her kids don’t remember much how she managed her life. Here I must say, as she was a working woman she had to maintain her family financially, physically (by taking care of kid, cooking, cleaning etc) and mentally (support all and taking decisions). As she had to keep busy outside at day time other family members got lot of time to create problem in her life. The common situations were telling many negative things about her to her husband (as usual this effected her marriage life), not taking care of her kids properly (didn’t give proper food, no company etc), misbehave with her family members if they come to visit etc. She wished to get rid of these by changing her home or left the job but none of them was possible because of financial situation. Later she got chance to work outside from her country. After one year she manages to bring her family to her place. So, almost after 6 years she truly felt what a marriage life is. How a woman can live happy with husband, kids and work.


I had read and write several times on "My aim in life" in school. Though on those days, I really didn't have any goal. Even now I don't have. I made many short term goals in my life. Most of them didn't work. May be I didn't try or work them enough to make them happen. But I couldn't make any long term goal. How could I? I don't know what will come to me next. I am not too ambitious. I always wanted simple things in my life and got some of them. Sometimes I felt very happy after getting those, sometimes not. What is the goal of my life? Don't know.... may be just try to stay happy.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

যাকে ভালবাসো, তার সম্পর্কে বাজে শব্দ ব্যবহার করো না (You shouldn't use bad words for you loved one)

যাকে ভালোবাসো, তার সম্পর্কে খারাপ কথা কি করে বলো, রেগে গেলে যদি মাথা ঠিক না থাকে, যা খুশি বলতে পারে, যা খুশি করতে পারো, তাহলে আমি স্পস্ট করে বলব, আমি এই বর্বরতাকে পছন্দ করি না.

তোমাদের কাছে হয়তো এটাই ঠিক, আমার কাছে নয়.

How can you use so bad words on someone you love. In anger if you can say anything about them and do anything with them, then I must let you know, I don't like it.

May be it's OK with you guys, not with me.


I don't have friends. I don't know how to make friends. I don't know how to keep friends. I don't know how friends come and stay in life. I never had a friend. Yes, it's true. When I was in university. I asked 2 girls to be my friend. I always asked them to stick together until we completed our master's exam. And we did. Allah knows how hard I always work to keep us together. After the master's exam, I stopped. Enough is enough. If they stay with me, that's fine. If they don't, then I won't stop them. One left when I first got a job. After long years, another left because someone said I was not good. Fine. Stay happy.
All can't be wrong. There must be something wrong with me. I may not be good enough to be a friend. Well, I am not good at anything. Just get a life by Allah and expand it. As a human I have feelings. And I don't want to bother others for that. If anyone comes to me by themselves, I feel happy, I enjoy, try to make them happy too till they left.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Some suggestion for a cook book or magazine

1. I like to see traditional recipe with new recipe, which is very helpful for new cook like me.

2. Good picture of decoration or presentation of the food.

3. Some easy to make recipe with tough one.

4. Occasion wise recipe.

5. Different section of food, like time wise (breakfast, lunch, snacks, school Tiffin etc)

6. Sometimes like recipe book (drinks, fish, rice etc)

7. Tips for both kitchen, cooking etc
8. Diet chart for different age people

9. Sometimes different countries food recipe

10. Interview of chefs with a recipe

11.  as you already made a journey through Bangladesh for different area’s food which can be included here one after another.

12. Interior decoration of kitchen.

13. Tips for first aid for common kitchen injury, like burn, cut, scratch etc.

14.  Menu for different occasion small or big with recipe.

I think I have already made a big list, which are very common and everybody knows about these

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

এ সময় একটু দুরত্ব থাকা ভাল (sometimes you should have little distance)

যতই বলিনা কেন, নিজের সুখ অন্যের কাঁধে রাখা ঠিক না. মন ঠিকই মনে মনে প্রিয় মানুষের জন্য অপেক্ষা করে. তার এতটুকু খবরের জন্য বসে থাকে. তার সাথে যতদুর সম্ভব থাকতে চায়.

নানা ভাবে মনকে প্রবোধ দিয়ে সামলানো হয়তো যায়. তারপর ও একটা শুন্যতা ঠিকই বোধ হয়...

আবার ও বলছি অন্যের জন্য নিজের সুখ শান্তি নস্ট করতে নেই. এতে নিজের এবং আপনার উপর যারা নির্ভর করছে তাদের ক্ষতি. অন্যের হয়তো কিছুই যায় আসে না.

থাকলাম না হয় শুন্যতা নিয়েই. বিশ্বাস আছে, ও আছে এবং থাকবে সব সময়. সাময়িক দুরত্ব, বিচলিত মন, মেজাজ খারাপ থাকতেই পারে. এ অবস্থায় দুরে থাকাই ভালো.

No matter how much I say, we shouldn't keep our happiness on other's shoulder. From our heart, secretly we always wait for our loved one. We wait for their every single news. We try to stay together as much possible.

Well we can make fool our heart by saying many good words, but we always miss them. 

Again I am saying and believe that we shouldn't destroy our happiness for others. This will kill you and the people who rely on you.

Sometimes we had to live with the missing feeling. Though we believe our love is there and will always be. There could be temporary distance for some reason (like distracted mind, hot head, bad mood) and these times people should keep some distance with others.

kids also like to play game on cell phone

Dia likes to play with her brother always… seems sometimes games are more important

Kids always likes to play with another kid. But things are changing now. Like adults they may started like to play with cell phone more than another kid.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Qatar: Safety & Environment

The official name of the country is the state of Qatar. It is in Western Asia, beside the Persian Gulf. Geographically we can say it’s between latitudes 24° and 27° N, and longitudes 50° and 52° E. It is approximately 11000sq km. Their cost line about 370km.  Their main economic power is oil. Before discovering oil, they were known for their sea trade and pearl hunting.

Figure 1: Qatar. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar

Most of the land of Qatar is low, plain and unproductive which is covered with sands. Weather is very hot and humid in summer and mild in winter.

Qatar is using GIS technology in various ways, especially in highway construction. They use GIS and mapping to adjust with the geographical condition, giving idea of solution, feasibility study, quality assurance, and survey and environment safety of their country with the engineering team.

What Safety & Environment
The managers or the department in a company who are responsible for environment issues, employee’s health and safety are called EHS (Environmental Health and Safety). It is also known as SHE or HSE department.

The responsibilities of EHS are to prevent accidents or incidents and also give protection or mainly reduce any negative effect from company’s activity.

EHS guidelines are of the international finance corporation for Good International Industry Practice (GIIP).

1. Environmental

1.1 Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality
1.2 Energy Conservation
1.3 Wastewater and Ambient Water Quality
1.4 Water Conservation
1.5 Hazardous Materials Management
1.6 Waste Management
1.7 Noise
1.8 Contaminated Land and Remediation
1.9 releases to water
1.10 releases to land
1.11 use of raw materials and natural resources
1.12 energy emitted, heat/radiation/vibration
1.13 waste and by-products
2. Occupational Health and Safety

2.1 General Facility Design and Operation
2.2 Communication and Training
2.3 Physical Hazards
2.4 Chemical Hazards
2.5 Biological Hazards
2.6 Radiological Hazards
2.7 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
2.8 Special Hazard Environments
2.9 Monitoring
3. Community Health and Safety

3.1 Water Quality and Availability
3.2 Structural Safety of Project Infrastructure
3.3 Life and Fire Safety (L&FS)
3.4 Traffic Safety
3.5 Transport of Hazardous Materials
3.6 Disease Prevention
3.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response
4. Construction and Decommissioning

4.1 Environment
4.2 Occupational Health and Safety
4.3 Community Health and Safety
Qatar’s steps on Safety & Environment
Qatar is very concern about Safety & Environment. For example, they keep changes in policies for fuel and environmental management even in their aviation industry. They know these changes are to adapt with fast changing business, political and social environment.

Qatar’s medical officers are getting training in US. They had incorporated most advanced medical equipment and training. Qatar has a medical school which is focusing on children and woman’s health.
Qatar is importing products from US, like
* Workplace safety equipments.
* Oil and gas field-related safety and security equipment
* Fire detection and prevention equipment particularly for oil and gas facilities
To prevent the exploitation of hydrocarbon resources, Qatar has some environmental laws for their Gas and Oil industries. To save the energy sectors, this state also absorbed regional and international conventions and treaties. They also joined with the global effort to preserve their marine life and atmosphere.

Qatar has made regional and mutual agreements with international agreement for the Environment safety of their own country and the world. For example:
* Montreal Protocol for the protection of the ozone layer
* The Basel Convention on the control of trans-boundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal
* The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
* The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78)

Figure 2: Map of the State of Qatar showing major oil and gas fields and pipelines

Gas and Petroliam in Qatar

Qatar has world’s third largest reserves of Natural Gas.
Qatar is planning to invest about $70 million for mostly for their main natural resource Natural Gas sector. They are also building LNG trains (is a liquefied natural gas plant's liquefaction and purification facility) and also ordering world’s largest LNG (liquefied natural gas) tankers.

Environmental Protection

Qatar has national environmental protection laws to Natural Gas Industries on exploration, processing, transportation, storage and domestic utilization. They are Decree Laws No. 4 (1977), No. 11 (2000) and No. 30 (2002).

Law No. 4 of 1977 is on “The Conservation of Petroleum Resources”. It has the regulations on petroleum exploration, production and operations.
They made the modification at Law in 2002. Here they added regulations on all activity of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), which includes the responsibility for monitoring and control of safety, industrial hygiene and the working environment with all previous regulations.

The fundamental objective of the “National Environmental Protection Law” is
(i)                 Pursuit of sustainable development principles in the utilization of natural resources;
(ii)               Preservation and protection of the natural environment against environmental pollution from all sectors;
(iii)             Use of environmental impact assessment to monitor State projects;
(iv)              Development of contingency plans for emergency preparedness in the state;
(v)               Control of hazardous wastes movement;
(vi)             Protection of the atmospheric environment;
(vii)           Protection of the aquatic environment; and
(viii)         Protection of the marine environment against oil spill, municipal and industrial toxic wastes from land-based sources.

This “National Environment Law” includes both the industrial activities and equipment. Like
* Sour gas sweetening facilities.
* Open combustion sources;
* Gas turbines;
* Loading tankers;
* Oil, LNG and gas production.
* Fugitive emissions
* Petrochemical plants.
* Wastewater emission standards
* Thermal criteria for the abovementioned facilities
* For air quality… standards for sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, inhalable particulates ozone and lead.
All the regulations are to save the marine environment from pollution. Like
* Organic and toxic trace metals
* Chemical oxygen
* pH and thermal pollution (SCENR 2003)

All the regulations are regularly reviewed and reported by QP top management to ensure those meets the national standards.

Organizations for Environmental Safety

In Qatar, there are many government and non government organization that are working and giving training for Qatar’s Environmental Safety. The professionals who are related with Environmental Health and Safety are playing vital role for the safety and wellness of workers.  Especially for those people, are working, in mining and with the related industries.

The Environmental professionals inspect and assess every issues related with the workers to ensure their good health and accident free working environment. These professional has investigation skill, technical knowledge in health and safety and more over they have interpersonal skill.

These professional gets training on some important issues related with environmental safety, like:
            * They get training to get enough knowledge and skill to inspect and asses effectively, check the facilities in the workplace for workers health and safety.
            * understand and apply effectively all necessary government legislation and policies.
            * Indentifying and correct the existing rules and check the possible occupational health and safety hazards.
            * performing investigation on accident.
            * performing proper risk assessment.
            * developing strategies to control risks.
            * Creating and providing safety training programs, for workers.
            * Handling and storage hazard rescue materials in work place.
            * Professionalism and responsibility in work.

Industries are following this:

Accident at Oil and Gas industry cause damage in human life and also threaten to the environment. These accidents effects go on the company and human for years. Every year millions of dollar expends for restoration of these accidents. Many of these incidents suddenly come up. But many repeatedly happen, for the lack of good practice of rules and regulations of industry safety and health management system. It means that company isn’t taking lessons from past.
Industries in Qatar are committed to follow Environmental rules for their staffs. Their main concern areas are:
            * Safety rules: Industries are developing safety rules for their employees to prevent any hazard. They reward who follows the safety rules correctly. They also checks are the rules are following by the staffs or not.
            * Personal safety: Here companies checks their rules that are they following by the employees and are these helping to prevent the accidents or not. Companies want to make their strategy simple and easy to follow, that their employees don’t feel problem to go with those.
            * Security and human rights: To maintain human right, the companies protect and give safety to their employees. And provide them a secure working environment.

Qatar Petroliam (QP) provides an award on “Health, Safety and Environment Excellence (HSE) Award“. This award has been launched at 2010 to encourage QP’s business unit, joint venture companies and contractors to promote HSE culture.

Because of this award, all will know about that company who successfully implementing programs, taking initiative to achieve excellent in management for safe and secure occupational environment and who are implementing rules in their daily operations.

Qatar is committed for Environmental Safety. For best practice of maintaining environmental resources Qatar is taking help from world’s known researchers. And for better environmental research Qatar has The Environment Studies Center (ESC) at Qatar University.

10.  http://www.greenprophet.com/2012/08/qatar-eco-summit-spotlights-environmental-safety/

Monday, September 15, 2014

দুরত্ব মেনে নেয়া যায়, অবহেলা মানা যায়না.... (We can accept distance, can't tolerate ignorance...)

যদি এমন হয়, কখনো মনে হয়, যেন আছে সে,  বাতাসে অক্সিজেনের মতো. যতক্ষন অক্সিজেন থাকে, ততক্ষন প্রতিটি মুহূর্ত ভালো ভাবে কাটে. সব কাজে উত্সাহ পাওয়া যায়. আর না থাকলে সব অচল. নিঃশ্বাস নেয়া কঠিন হয়ে পড়ে.

ভারী অদ্ভুত, কে না কে, তার জন্য শ্বাস নেয়া বন্ধ. তার আপনাকে ভাল লাগছে না লাগছে তার নাই ঠিক, আর আপনি কিছুই ভাবতে পারছেন না তাকে ছাড়া. ভারী অদ্ভুত, মন মানুষকে কি অদ্ভুত ভাবেই না বদলে দেয়. জীবন্ত মানুষকে অন্যের (অবহেলার) কারনে মৃত বানিয়ে ছাড়ে...

দুরত্ব মেনে নেয়া যায়, অবহেলা মানা যায়না....

Sometimes you will feel some people are like oxygen. If your oxygen stays you can breathe well, can laugh, and can enjoy your life. If any how that misses, your life can't go well, even you can't breathe well.

Very strange, who the hell are they, who change your life, this way? Sometimes you may found they even don't think about you. Really very strange, how our mind make us feel dead just because someone don't care about us.

We can accept distance, can't tolerate ignorance...

Sunday, September 14, 2014

No space for more toys

My son doesn't want to misses any chance to buy toys. Sometimes he felt he has all cars that the shop had. Then he says, “Mom I have this car in red color, not the silver one, so today I want to buy the silver one”. I had to make many techniques to stop his toy buying mania… Now he has a rule (which he often breaks) he can buy only one toy in a month. Next toy will be given next month.

Few days back, he told me, “Ammu I had too many toys, don’t I? I won’t buy anymore toy.” I surprised and was happy. Well my happiness didn't stay long, he again started buying toys. You can assume how difficulty I face to keep his toys. As I couldn't find any space to keep his frog so hang it with the door.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Kitchen smoke from other’s flat

Living problem in Dhaka city is very common scenario. To solve this problem (and for business too) many housing companies are buying lands and old houses and they are making high rise flats. Dhaka city is now becoming the slams of too many flats. Here slams means flats are built (earlier) too congested. Generally kitchen of all flats kept in same place. So that kitchen smoke won’t disturb others rooms. It’s good.

Here new situation arises. In Bangladesh there are some different food habits in different area. Some people like more spice, some like to burn vegetables, chilies, dried fish etc to cook. Can you imagine what kind of smoke those create?  Where they go? They may go out through window then goes inside other window of other flat. Those people may not habitat with this kind of food. What is the situation then? Many times I had to face trouble in kitchen while I didn’t make these smoke.

Kitchen chimney isn't in cheap price in Bangladesh. It’s really difficult and costly to maintain. So, how can we get rid of this situation? No idea…

Thursday, September 11, 2014

নাচ (Dance)

শুনেছি, ছোট বেলায় নাকি খুব লাফালাফি করতাম, এই দেখে আমার বড় মামা আম্মাকে বলেছিলেন, "একে নাচ শিখাইয়িস". আম্মা প্রথমে বাংলাদেশ শিশু একাডেমিতে এরপর বাফা (বুলবুল ললিত কলা একাডেমি) তে নাচের ক্লাসে ভর্তি করিয়ে দিলেন. নৃত্য শিল্পী বানানোর উদ্দেশ্যে নয়, ছোট বেলার সখ পুরন করার জন্য. নাচে ভালো করার ফলে আম্মা বাড়িতে ওস্তাদ রেখে দিয়েছিলেন, আরো ভাল করার জন্য. আধুনিক নাচ ছাড়াও মনিপুরি আর কথক শিখছিলাম.

এই একটা বিষয়ে আমি কোন রকম চেষ্টা ছাড়াই ভাল করেছিলাম. তবে কোন কিছুইতেই অধ্যাবসায় ছাড়া চূড়ান্ত ফল লাভ করা যায়না. যা বোঝার বয়স আমার তখনও হয়নি. ক্লাস ৪/৫ (ঠিক মনে নেই) থাকতে আম্মা নাচ শেখানো বন্ধ করে দিলেন. আমি ৪ বছর নাচ শিখেছিলাম. এসময় নানা কম্পিটিশনে জিতে কয়েকটা মেডেল আর ট্রফি বাসায় আনতে পেরেছিলাম. একবার বিটিভির একটা অনুষ্ঠানে নিচেও ছিলাম, অডিশন দিয়ে টিকে.

নাচ শেখা বন্ধ করলেও নানা অনুষ্ঠানে এরপরও নাচতে হয়েছিল. শেষ স্টেজ পারফরমান্স করেছিলাম স্কুলে, ক্লাস ৮ এ. বড়দের ফেয়ারঅয়েল দেয়ার সময়.

অফিসিয়ালি নাচ বন্ধ করলেও আমার এজন্য মন খারাপ ছিলোনা. কারন একটু খুশি হলেই আমি নিজে নিজে নিজের ঘরে নাচতাম. পরবর্তিতে আত্নীয় আর বান্ধবীদেরও নাচ দেখিয়েছি :) নতুন জামা বা গয়না পরলেও আয়নার সামনে দাড়িয়ে একটু নেচে নিতাম.

কিন্তু জীবন তো আর এতো আনন্দের নয়. নানা কারনে ধীরে ধীরে নাচা একেবারে বন্ধ হয়ে গেল. আমার ছেলে আমার নাচ দেখেনি. ও জানেনা ওর মা নাচতে জানে বা কেমন নাচে. স্কুলের নাচের পরীক্ষায় ও যখন এ++ পায়, ওর মা কত খুশি হয় সেটাও বোঝেনা.

আজ কেন জানি একজনের সাথে নাচতে ইচ্ছে হলো, সেকি নাচতে জানে? মনে তো হয় না :)

I have heard, in my childhood, I use to jump and run a lot. That's why once my elder uncle (maternal) said to my mom, "You should teach this girl dance". My mom admitted me in Bangladesh Shishu Academy and BAFA (Bulbul Lolitkola Academy) in dance class. As I was doing good, she kept a master at home too. Apart modern dance, I use to dance Kathak and Monipury. My mother's intention was to teach me dance as a hobby not to take it as a profession.

I can proudly say, only in this subject I was very good without any effort. But nothing can be successful without good effort and I was too young to understand that. When I was in class 4/5 (I don't remember), my mom stopped teaching me dance. I got training on dance for 4 years. In this time I had attended some competition and got some medals and crests. After selecting by an audition I had performed on a BTV program once.

Though I had stopped learning dance, I didn't get upset about it. Because for small reasons I use to dance in my room in front of mirror. I have shown my dance to my relatives and friends too. Whenever I got any new dress or ornaments I use to wear it and dance in front of my mirror.

But you know, life is not a bed of roses, gradually I stopped dancing totally. My son never saw me dancing. He doesn't know that his mom can dance, or how I dance. He doesn't know how his mom became so happy when at school he got A++ in the dance subject.

Don't know why, now a day I wish to dance with someone. Does they know dancing too? Don't think so... 

Experience with watches

Shafeen with his Ben10 alien watch

After arriving “personal computer”, technology started changing very frequently. Every day you will see some new addition added in our simple electronics goods.

When I was a school student, we didn't have permission to bring or use calculator and watch in school. When I was studying at class 8, some of my friends use to bring watch (mainly for fashion) in school. But we all remember the rule so; in Physical exam or something like that we must not wear any watch. In our exam day we were waiting in the class. I felt really bore so I took watches from 7/8 girls and wear it on my hand at a time. Just for fun.

After some time I forget about my watch’s full hand and our teacher came. First she called me to come to her for viva exam. I stood on my place and suddenly realize my hand is full of watches. I asked our teacher, please give me one minute. I started removing my watches, and it was taking time. My teacher said, I have seen what you are doing, no need to hide, come here. On that moment, I had 2 watches in my hand. I went her and give my exam, everybody was laughing… that was really funny, because she didn't cut my number for our rule.

Now a day play group students wear watches. Though the understand nothing. My son (who is in nursery now) has 3 watches, one is digital, another has pin to show time and another one is Ben10 alien watch. Well, last one is a toy…

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Not a single person was playing Cricket!

When our Cricket Team got test status, I have seen everywhere in Bangladesh both kids and adults are playing cricket. They might not have bat, ball or wicket... but whatever they had (a wooden stick, tennis ball, plastic stick etc) they use to play cricket with that.

Few days back I went to Meradia (Dhaka, Bangladesh) to see Kash flower. There I found a wide open area where people (especially young boys) are playing. And not a single person was playing cricket. All were playing football!

What are you doing Bangladesh Cricket Team? Why people are becoming fed up with you guys? Bangladesh Cricket Board should take good care and right decision with them...

Travel pictures you will see in everyone's album

Now through social network sites, we can meet and see people from all around the world. And from their profile and pictures we can have idea about their society and culture. And you will see there are some major similarities from the people in the same continent.... Like...

In Chinese world, you will see people adds more pictures then any written status. Most of them are about their group fun, new iPod or new technologies which they bought recently.

In western world you will see people giving family time spending picture, new house, new car etc.

The pictures from south Asia are family get together, food, kids etc.

But there is one common picture you will see all around the world, that is pictures of traveling. People from all around the world like to visit beautiful places.